Hi Benetta, I believe you're referring to shared columns, which is described in more detail in this report in the "Shared Columns in Text Mode in Views" topic. I think you'll find what you need there. --Narayan
Hi Doris, I've added a record to this report on "Copying Requests for Repetitive Work" since it's something that comes up in the discussion boards periodically. I think you'll find what you need, or at least enough to spur some more questions. --Narayan
Hi Andy, unfortunately, teams administration is lacking and always has been. You can follow the progress of this topic on this report as there will be more context added in the future and maybe even some ideas on workarounds and solutions. --Narayan
Hi Dayna, The bad news is you have too many people with too much ability too early in the game. The good news is your organization has someone like you who cares and understands the risks. You're uncomfortable with the current state because you should be. But don't worry, for I've been down this roa...
Hi Kelly, since requests are issues and must reside in a proj‚ect, I recommend organizing issues in projects. By sharing the projects with specific groups, you can control access through the user profile group affiliations.
Hi Kendra, contact me for a WFPro crash course on custom form calculations and we'll fire up a GoToMeeting session. https://wf-pro.com/contact --Narayan