I am doing some post-processor work after dialog submission so I am creating a SlingPostProcessor to update the node desired property. SlingPostProcessor is working for component A but the same is not working for component BHere is my working component A code. Below process method is invoked as soo...
I have osgiconfig folder inside /apps/kb and I have install folder inside /apps/kb-packages. I could see these folders and files(config, jar, zip) files in local as below (local AEM ) But when I deploy the code to AEM cloud, I dont see "osgiconfig" folder and install folder is not appearing in aem c...
Thanks,. Included the resources(flying-saucer-pdf-osgi-9.2.2.jar,flying-saucer-pdf-9.2.2.jar) and I could see that is added in Bundle Classpath, but still some packages are not resolved. Should I do any kind import/export package ?
We can embed third party libraries using POM. But why is it failing when I try to install the third party bundle in system console? The same may happen building and deploying jars from maven(POM). Is my question valid ?
Thanks for your input. I have below dependency<dependency>
Added both dependencies but still bundle is not active state. <dependency>
Interesting that it has OSGI version. Thanks for sharing it. I used above artifact "flying-saucer-pdf-osgi" inn my POM. But still my core bundle is in INSTALLED state. Below is the error core bundle error Error LOG 21.09.2023 19:54:07.406 *ERROR* [qtp1931268691-2288] org.apache.felix.http.jetty Bun...
Thanks for your input. For testing purpose, I tried to download the dependency from https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.xhtmlrenderer/flying-saucer-pdf-itext5/9.0.1 and tried to install directly in system console and ended up below error Then I tried to extract the jar and checked the below MANIF...
I tried with this dependency but it failed in compilation org.xhtmlrenderer.pdf.ITextRenderer package does not exist. I think I should keep <dependency>
I want to use ITextRenderer to generate a PDF so I have added maven depdency in parent POM and core module POM, Parent POM <dependency>
</dependency> Core POM <dependency>