Hi Guys,
Context Hub kernel can have a big impact in terms of network traffic and I would like to get your thoughts on how well ContextHub can be optimized so that the page load time can be taken care of.
A couple of things could be - minification, caching the kernel.js, minimizing store loads ...
@varaande It could be eighter the user is not logged in, if so you can do it by appending this path- /libs/granite/core/content/login.html
or you have logged in using a non-administrator user which might have permission issues, if so you might need to log in as admin and set appropriate permissions ...
@Ankan_Ghosh You can try updating your settings.xml file to refer to your repository manager - could use - https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public
Or Check if it's getting downloaded or blocked by any firewall.
@dpimpi-csm In my case the custom clientlibs were causing it to break, as the class names used for core components and custom were same and not unique.
@EstebanBustamante Thanks for the response, we found a workaround;
As I mentioned, the thread works for property names other than cq:tags.
We found that once we disable the below, it was able to save. Thanks.
Hi Guys.
Need help with groovy scripts.
I have a property String[] which has tags stored in it. I want to move the tags to cq:tags property specifically.
I am able to create the cq:tags property but the data is not getting stored in cq:tags propertyI tried creating another property name other th...
@varaande You can simply use java --version to check, for eg:
Azul Zulu OpenJDK LTS versions are supported for on-premises AEM deployments starting with version 6.5 SP9. Support and distribution of the Azul Zulu JDK LTS versions must be licensed directly from Azul by Adobe customers.
Just that-...
@Anuj31005349h74z I believe for your SPA project you need to use SPA components, Normal AEM components would not render OOTB with the archteype.