I ran into this error a month or so ago and am trying to retrace my steps for the resolution, but can't remember how it was resolved. org.apache.sling.api.SlingException: Cannot get DefaultSlingScript: Identifier com.adobe.business.core.models.TextModel cannot be correctly instantiated by the Use AP...
This appears to be the culprit. If anyone knows how to fix, please let me know. Thanks.Caused by: java.io.IOException: Unable to get component of class 'interface org.apache.sling.rewriter.Transformer' with type 'versioned-clientlibs'.
The error.log (http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog/tailer.txt?tail=1000&grep=*&name=%2Flogs%2Ferror.log) is now showing data:05.05.2021 11:40:50.228 *ERROR* [sling-threadpool-c22b1d3e-9a33-48da-a8e2-de80197a7f71-(apache-sling-job-thread-pool)-19-com_day_cq_replication_job_publish(com/day/c...
I've searched and cannot find an error.log file or a crx-quickstart folder. When I navigate here (http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog/tailer.txt?tail=10000&grep=*&name=%2Flogs%2Ferror.log), I get a blank page. Status Sling Settings shows this, but how can I navigate to this in my File Expl...
Yes, it's active. I did a complete reboot of my system, started Docker, opened Eclipse, re-deployed using Maven in Eclipse, started the AEM server in Eclipse, made sure the bundle was active, etc.
Thanks for the suggestion. Could you go into more detail on the first suggestion (changing the folder name)? Also, to re-execute the .jar file, is that simply restarting Docker?
I found the sling.properties file, which hasn't been modified anytime recently: sling.bootdelegation.class.com.rsa.jsafe.provider.JsafeJCE=com.rsa.*sling.bootdelegation.class.org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider=org.bouncycastle.*org.apache.sling.commons.log.file=""org.apache.sling.com...
When I go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slingsettings, I get this for the two lines referencing Sling Home:Sling Home = /aem/crx-quickstart
Sling Home URL = file:/aem/crx-quickstart/However, I'm unable to navigate to http://localhost:4502/aem/crx-quickstart. I get "page not found". ...