@Kosta_Prokopiu1 Thanks, we are using JDK1.8 to compile the program. However, I am still not sure how to use the ports. e.g. if we use SOAP, we should use 8080 and EJB we should use 4447?
@Kosta_Prokopiu1 I did use netstat -a to check the Listening ports. But the 1099 is not listening. For our socket binding setting is here <socket-binding-group name="full-sockets" default-interface="public” port-offset="${jocss.socket.binding.port-offset:0}"> <socket-binding name="management-http" i...
Hi @Kosta_Prokopiu1, thanks for your clear explanation. I am referring to this doc actually: https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/forms/developer-reference/programming-aem-forms-jee/invoking-aem-forms-jee-apis/invoking-aem-forms-using-java.html
As they developed a java program for and working fine before. They are not willing to use SOAP. Also, what you mean is the problem will be solved if updated the .jar files?
And the document is still suggest to use 1099 port which? I try to do the research online and it claims the 1099 port is replaced by 4447. Can anyone let me know is it correct? Thank you.
Hi Everyone, We encounter a problem after we upgrade the Livecycle ES4 to AEM Forms 6.5. Here is the question, in the LC ES4 (Weblogic) we had developed a program and using the EJB Endpoint connection protocol to invoke the output service.Similar as below:Properties ConnectionProps = new Properties(...