This is how we should get the header value in dispatcher.
I was using like this %{HTTP_X-AEM-CLIENT-COUNTRY}, which didn't work.
Hi Folks,
I am trying to configure dispatcher for Geo location headers x-aem-client-country and x-aem-client-continent. But I don't see those are being added by CDN. Below are the changes that I made
farm file:
/headers {
Try as per below link.
Then adapt page resource to Page.class and get title.
Easy way is to add property "wrapperClass" to your RTE field in dialog and value can be a custom class name like for example "multi-rte".
Write a css rule using this custom class (here "multi-rte") and load that client lib in extraClientlibs of the dialog.
.multi-rte {
If the container component has design dialog (you can see wheel icon in template editor mode) then you need to set policies for the container component, you can re-use the existing policies.