Hello guys,
Any suggestion on how to verify that events are properly associated to a profile? we are running random test to verify events -> profile by using Identity Graph to verify Identity namespace (email) and Identity value . Is it correct?
Hello guys,
I am importing a purchase Order into AEP. Any suggestion to build the unique ID (_id), do we have some best practices to be followed? Every experience event must have Point Of Sale ID.
hello @ChetanyaJain ,
I am using UI and drang&drop the CSV file. I ahve some doubts about the structure of CSV.
1) can we pass the _id via CSV or must be autogenerated?
2) Any required field upon ingestion?
3)any specifi format for datetime?
hello @AtulChavan ,
Thanks for your answer.
I have a question regarding the end point
Hi @ChetanyaJain ,
Understood how to manage the downstream.
One question, Is it possible to Delete or Edit the Identity Namespace from the AEP User-interface?
Hello guys,
I would like to look up the last 10 recent time-series event associated to a specific Prodile Id by using API call, where can I find the correct API call I can perform?