I don't see any error in browser console. I can see an error in stdrr.log. 21.04.2020 10:05:52.527 *ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] ERROR: Bundle '544' Error starting jcrinstall:/apps/weretail/install/we.retail.core-3.0.0.jar (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve com.adobe.cq.sample.we.ret...
Thanks for the reply. Can you give details about "You might be missing out the editable template's policies. You need to set some allowed components in the layout container / responsive grid component."? I'm trying Component Authoring in https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-lear...
I was trying to run the AEM 6.4.0 in my machine(Windows 10). The AEM instance can be started but i am not able to see the components when edit the content page. Anyone knows how to fix this? BTW. I also tried on a iOS, it looks fine.