Hello,I've got an requirement to change the page title from Authors user interface. The default title in AEM 6.4 is "AEM Start", in AEM 5.6 is "AEM Projects".Is it possible to archive it, if so how? Thanks in advanced.
Some associates there works also with AEM faced the same situation. They have also no explainnations for this strange behavior. They think there are not documented changes in Service Pack 6, so thier recommendation is using like operator instead of contains
My question to key word contains is similar to yours. See https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/sql2-query-with-contains-does-not-find-any-nodes. Will it help if you use the like operator instead of contains?
Based on https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/search-inside-a-page-content-and-the-content-of-the-content/qaq-p/380627 is possible that contains looks only in nodes from type 'cq:Page' and not in other node types? That wold explain this strange situation.
I have asked a question and they got some answers. In my eyes those answers didn't solved my problem. Days later, the question marked as solved. Who was it and why? Defnetily I was not the person who did it.
Thanks for trying to help. I tried your suggested query and the result list is still empty. Update: It seems only the property jcr:title returns a non empty resultlist. What a hell?
I do not understand the difference for my case. What I know, if you use contains it looks for exact matching. So you can define more than one pattern to find occurences. While with like is allowed to use wildcards (the % sign). My provided example has an exact match, or not?