@PratheepArunRaj The more you visit any category it'll get scored more and rank higher as compared to other categories.The only thing is it will also be minus one point when you visit another category.
Hi @SMe2 ,You could make use of category affinity in this case. on all subcategory -> article page pass user.categoryID parameter.for example, category page - XYZsubcategory inside XYZ - ABCarticle 1, article 2, and article 3 are the final 3 pages. So on each article page pass user.categoryID="ABC" ...
Hi @Bazil_Wang It's a shadow dom element, as long as it's open you'll be able to track it, or else it won't be available for the target to get tracked.Let me know if you have already got the solution.Thanks,Gauresh
You could ask your developer to pass the values in a comma separate format.for example, user.categoryId=world, NATO, NATO Summit, Politics of Sweden, International agreements, International relations, Politics of Turkey
Hi @sean12341 ,You can also select a required selector, from a breadcrumb kind of thing that appears at bottom of the VEC composer, else you can directly replace the selector in modifications as well.
Hi Community,I am trying to create an Adobe Target offer using IO API, but for some reason, I am getting the below error. can someone help me here?which editor access do I need to have?
Hi @RYJO2021
You can create exclusion of unavailable pages, using entity ids or some common entity param. All the ids in exclusion will not be shown in recommendations.
Hi @gthakur8
If the HTML element that you are trying to edit isn't available in DOM unless you perform some action, it'll not be possible to modify using VEC.
Could be done with help of trigger view tho it depends on you whether you want to implement trigger view.