@MB_IDW I think you didn't miss anything, but unfortunately, it's the behaviour with OOTB XFs and page properties level inheritance doesn't work for XF Live copy variation even though we set granite:data node at the dialog level.
Then you can try to add field validation at content fragment model itself like make it as required field but may not work if you want to make it as optional field.
@arungm20 , You can filter if you're using GraphQL. Please check below.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/developing/headless/delivery-api/content-fragments-graphql-samples.html?lang=enhttps://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-cloud-kcs/kbarticles/KA-21792.html?la...
@gmahendra I don't think we have any tools to convert templates, first you need to convert the templates & components to editable templates structure manually and then you can use tools to migrate content pages with editable templates.
@Prashardan Please check below threads which has similar use cases:https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/how-to-store-a-specific-property-values-of-multifield-items-as/td-p/447312 https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/multifield...
@KNan Can you please share the error log? Also, one suggestion is: you can use Sling API instead of JCR API to update properties.Example: Resource resource = resolver.getResource("/content/sourcedcode/jcr:content"); if (Objects.nonNull(resource)) { ModifiableValueMap map = resource.adaptT...
@wei_lyu just couple of things to double check:1. Do you have GraphQL packages installed on the publisher instance as well?2. Did you also publish Content fragments before replicating the package?
could you please explain more about the use case why you want to retrieve the package etc?
If the requirement is just to sync between content between AEM instances, you can check below link to find various options:https://medium.com/globant/aem-content-synchronization-cb1e15b0c3f8
other option...
@SonuR1 You can try something like:1. Write logic in sling Model and generate JSON the way you want.
public String generateJSON(List<Page> faqs) { JSONArray faqSchemaObject = new JSONArray(); try { for(Page pagBean : faqs){ JSONObject faqItemObject = new JSONObject(); ...