@meghanpowers If you want to create an MVT for an SPA based upon views then the modicfications tab(which displays the views) is not shown for an MVT. You could possibly try to create using a form based approach. Regards,Karan
@enauticss861856 at.js 2.x does not have a global mbox request concept but rather a page-load request. A page-load request can be viewed as a request to retrieve content that should be applied on the initial page load of your website.In at.js 2. x , you no longer see “ target-global-mbox ” visibly i...
@THE_DK If you are building a Target activity through VEC, then these would always be configured using the target-global-mbox.Regional mboxes are used to configure form based activities which are used for channels such as mobile apps. Regards,Karan
@bilalhowdoiuseA Can you please confirm if the activity created on Target was an A4T(Analytics for Target) which uses Analytics as a reporting source?Also, was the metric used in the activity an Analytics metric?For comparing the results between two solutions, it is best to have integrations(A4T) in...
@Poonambhatia1990 You could define a goal metric and apply click tracking on the button through which we could track all the users who have successfully submitted the registration form.You could then add a reporting audience within the activity which gives us all the users who have accessed the regi...
@christammm There is no way available in the UI to delete the Target mboxes. If these mboxes are not getting fired anywhere, then Target would automatically remove them from the UI. Regards,Karan
@HariharanSubra1 mboxOverride.browserIp for validating the geo location activity does not work with at.js 2.x, if you want to test this for a geo, you could use a VPN which points to that particular location and test this. Regards,Karan
@ChrisMezzo Do you mean that you need to have multiple properties assciated to one Workspace in Target? If this is the case, then both the property tokens needs to be passed to the website where the activity needs to be rendred. Regards,Karan
@JenGi Please confirm the Target library you are using at your end to test this. Is it at.js 1.x OR 2.x?Also, are both the pages on the same domain or different ones?Please also mention the conversion metric you are using to track the conversions. Regards,Karan