@keehwan1 Please go thorugh this official documentation https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/administering/operations/rich-text-editor.html?lang=en
@keehwan1 First create copy cq:dialog structure from core/page component and then add additional tab and RTE field as resource type. <richtext jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="cq/gui/components/authoring/dialog/richtext" fieldLabel="Rich Text" name="...
@aemninja Then use following code $.ajax({ url : "/bin/servletPath",
type : "GET",
data : {
<value1_Property>: <Value1>, <value2_Property>: <Value2>
});& inside Servlet get the values String value_...
@PremIBIf you are working on the touch ui component then visit to https://experience-aem.blogspot.com/2021/03/aem-cloud-service-css-and-color-picker-plugin-rte-rich-text-editor.html This will give you some idea
@PremIB As per my knowledge you need to write the whole logic into the JSP file itself and inside the scriptlet tags.ex. <%
String propertyName = properties.get("propertyName", String.class);
%> P.S. It better to use Sightly /HTL based component over JSP based component.
@hptarora Yeah, this is a known issue whenever you hit mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle command. AEM shows the blank screen in edit mode and this mainly because the project bundle goes to the installed state. To overcome this problem just wait for 5-10 min to activate the project bundle from th...
@kautuk_sahni I really liked this new gamification concept. This will helps us to involve more community members to help, support, discuss, and share their expertise.