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Separate RT-CDP UI from AEP Platform UI


Level 5


Description - Currently the RT-CDP UI (Sources, Segments, Destinations) are embedded within the AEP UI (along with data catalog, query services etc). This creates a lot of confusing on the positioning of the platform. While RT-CDP is an Application Service (or Application), this is the only applciation which does not have a separate UI like CJA and AJO. So customers are getting this intutively. Also RT-CDP would be accessed by many agencies and digital advertsing teams inside a client organization. Imagine bigger clients with 100's of marketing teams globally. It becomes a nightmare to enable good adoption across the board.

Why is this feature important to you - It would intutively enhance adoption of RT-CDP across all segments of users (like agency, ad teams)

How would you like the feature to work - There has to be a simple UI for RT-CDP separately. This should have RBAC as well. This should be offered as a separate Application under the solution-switcher menu.

Current Behaviour - The UI for RT-CDP is embedded within AEP UI and it absolutely not intiutive for users outside of data tech like Ad Ops who are the day-to-day users of RT-CDP.