Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Sree Charan Tekumanda!
Sree will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.
Know your Mentor Sree Charan Tekumanda (aka @sreeCharan73)
Sree has extensive Data engineering and Modeling experience. He is a certified AWS Solution Architect, Databricks, and Adobe RTCDP Architect. He is an expert in strategizing digital applications and experiences.
He is looking forward to revolutionizing Customer Experience together with you all.
Aspirants mapped
1) Aditya Chabuku ( @Aditya_Chabuku )
2) Ryan Ku ( @RyanKu )
3) Chris boehmer ( @cboehmer83 )
4) Hitesh Kumar ( @Hiteshkumar98 )
5) Arya Rajendra Kumar ( @Arya_Rajendra_TechM )
6) Nitin Indrajith Vishwakarma ( @nitinkarma )
7) Grandhi Lakshmi Pravallika ( @LakshmiPravallika )
9) Chetan Gaikwad ( @chetan01 )
10) Praveen Prabhakaran ( @wolflytics )
11) Rajendrasing Bhadoriya ( @rajendra168 )
12) Brandon Olvera ( @BrandonOlvera )
13) Austin Vaught ( @AustinVa1 )
How to participate in the program
Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:
Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!
We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!
Hello@AustinVa1 , @BrandonOlvera, @rajendra168, @wolflytics, @chetan01, @NiharikaCh, @LakshmiPravallika, @nitinkarma, @Arya_Rajendra_TechM, @Hiteshkumar98, @cboehmer83, @RyanKu, @Aditya_Chabuku
Hope you had a good learning over the week. Apologies, I could not post the weekly quiz earlier.
Here is the weekly quiz, based on the last week modules.
1. What is a profile fragment? How do Identities would help stitch fragments?
2. How can one choose between Batch Ingestion vs Streaming Ingestion? What are the advantages?
3. If using a customer segment(Audience) based on the hashed Email IDs, what type of destination(export) is the ideal? a. file based b. streaming segment c. streaming Profile export.
Although the answers are open ended, try to answer in 1-2 lines for each, basically like a log line to summarise the understanding of the topic. I request everyone to respond. Since Data modelling in AEP is trivial, but gets better with collaboration. Pls do not hesitate, we are all in this together.
Here are my responses, please do correct as necessary:
1. What is a profile fragment? How do Identities would help stitch fragments?
Profile fragment is a set of data ingested in a dataset. This data should have at least one identifier (either primary or non primary) - for it to play a role in stitching identities across namespaces.
2. How can one choose between Batch Ingestion vs Streaming Ingestion? What are the advantages?
Batch ingestion is a scheduled ingestion & happens at a certain frequency using files; Streaming ingestion is more real time & leverages HTTP APIs/streaming services.
3. If using a customer segment(Audience) based on the hashed Email IDs, what type of destination(export) is the ideal? a. file based b. streaming segment c. streaming Profile export.
I am guessing, this may be b) streaming segment since we have hashed email IDs. Since, this is a segment/audience & not a profile- it should not be streaming profile export. Not sure, of the exact differences though. Would love to get a different view on looking at batch/api based destinations.
Thanks for taking time to answer, so quickly.
All answers are good and correct.
1. Profile fragment must have a primary identity and it is corresponding to a dataset in RTCDP. Identity Service and Real-Time Customer Profile | Adobe Experience Platform
2. Correct. Although Batch can also be used for Database sources and CRM, while streaming ingestion can also be extended to AWS Kinesis, Azure Event Hub & Kafka based pub-sub models.
3. Correct, streaming segment export would be an ideal candidate, Meta and other social destinations are good examples for this.
Great, thank you covering the delta in the answers !
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@AustinVa1 , @BrandonOlvera, @rajendra168, @wolflytics, @chetan01, @NiharikaCh, @LakshmiPravallika, @nitinkarma, @Arya_Rajendra_TechM, @Hiteshkumar98, @cboehmer83, @RyanKu, @Aditya_Chabuku
hope that you all went through the basics of Data Architecture and RTCDP overview & Profile Ingestion, in the last weeks. Since we are in the 2nd half of the program, lets switch to below topics(these cover 52% of the exam questions, so you now know the importance) refer https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/certification/program/technical-certifications/rtcdp/rtcd...
1. Segmentation & Activation
2. Data Governance
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Hello@AustinVa1 , @BrandonOlvera, @rajendra168, @wolflytics, @chetan01, @NiharikaCh, @LakshmiPravallika, @nitinkarma, @Arya_Rajendra_TechM, @Hiteshkumar98, @cboehmer83, @RyanKu, @Aditya_Chabuku
Hope you had a good learning over the week. Here is the weekly quiz 2.
I get answering the open ended might be time-consuming, so please respond with the choice, in a short reply.
W2 - Quiz
1. For Adobe Analytics/webSDK event data, what would be an ideal primary identity?
b. Cross Device Identifier(CRM ID/Customer ID)
c. Identity Map
d. Need more info
2. A data engineer tries to ingest data into a profile fragment with 25MB of data, what happens?
a. Since 50MB is the limit, Data is ingested, with no errors.
b. Data ingestion fails, as size exceeded.
c. Data can be ingested only up to 25MB, so gives a warning.
d. only 10MB data is stored and rest is truncated.
3. While setting up identity symbols, the Data architect needed an identifier for the Product schema. what type would you suggest?
a. Cross Device Identifier
b. Primary Identifier
c. Non Person Identifier
d. Device Identifier
Looking forward for your responses. Please provide feedback, on the questions, if you feel any.
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1. For Adobe Analytics/webSDK event data, what would be an ideal primary identity?
b. Cross Device Identifier(CRM ID/Customer ID)
c. Identity Map
d. Need more info
2. A data engineer tries to ingest data into a profile fragment with 25MB of data, what happens?
Based on Default Guardrails for Real-Time Customer Profile Data and segmentation | Adobe Experience Platform
a. Since 50MB is the limit, Data is ingested, with no errors.
3. While setting up identity symbols, the Data architect needed an identifier for the Product schema. what type would you suggest?
Based on Identity Namespace Overview | Adobe Experience Platform
c. Non Person Identifier
Great questions !
1. Cross Device Identifier.
Almost thought of this as ECID, but ECID is not always persistent, hence ruling this out.
Not sure of identitymap as an identifier. Would be great if this can be explained.
2. 50 Mb is the limit, hence no errors
3. Product data is non people identifier.
Thank you!
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correct answers are
1. C ( Identity Map ), as explained by @RyanKu in his earlier post, since the ids can change based on the authenticated status and when both CrossDevice ID and ECID are present, ideal is to always prefer CrossDeviceID for person Stitching, hence IDMap would be the best suit for the webData or any such data with inconsistent ID scenario.
2. A
3. C
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Hope you all had a great learning experience. Here is your 50% waive off Voucher form!!
You have to submit your request here and you will have the chance of winning! Please fill out this form by August 19th, 2024
Best of luck
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Hello @sreeCharan73
Hope you are doing well. Want to get your thoughts on this & everybody else's as well
Is there a way to resolve an identity at a household level in AEP ?
An OTT subscription service being used by 3 members (Mom, Dad & a Teenage kid) in a household.
Each member would access the service using their own channels/device - Web, app & TV.
However, as a marketer, I want to be able to tie them to a household to understand patterns & reach out to them for specific communications.
1) Promotional Messages: Reach out to all three for promotional messages messages thereby as per age & viewing patterns.
2) Servicing/Payment reminders: To mom & dad. If one doesn't respond, I would like the ability to remind the other one.
Can we use AEP to tie multiple people together. Currently, we only seem to be tying profile fragments together to build a profile for a single person.
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@chetan01 Good question to follow up. Providing my views below:
Ideally, AEP is meant to stitch only fragments belonging to a single profile, hence it is always advised not to try marking any shared identifiers as people identifiers.
The recommended way to handle this is to have a Lookup(multi Dimensional entity) for the loyalty/HouseHold account info and mark this as a non-person identifier.
On the related Exp Event schema, setup a relationship to this lookup schema(based on the account ID) and then enable both the lookup and the Exp Event schema to enable advanced segmentation, thereby able to segment audience using the additional attributes present in the lookup schema.
In your usecase,
1.Promotional Messages: The promotional messages are anyway sent based on the individual behaviour and preferences, hence we can treat them seperately and personalise the communication. if only certain family accounts are considered, then use the above mentioned method to check, if the profiles belong to shortlisted account types/categories.
2. Servicing/Payment reminders: This may seem like special case, but can be handled using the same method. segment profiles based on the "expired/due to expire" dates of the accounts(lookup) and then you have all the related profiles in the Segment.
Now, based on the communication channel and application, we need to add the additional logic. Assuming that account info, also has some info on the primary contact and secondary contact stored in the lookup, but not marked as identity for profile stitching.
for ex:
using AJO, we have all the profiles entering the journey and then we could send the reminder to the primary contacts first in one journey. if there is no response, there can be a wait and condition check , so then to trigger to the secondary contact.
if using other FTP based destinations, like Adobe Campaign or MailChimp, export the previously built segmentation along with the Account ID, expiry date, primary contact and secondary contact flags and relevant profile info ( do not deduplicate based on the account ID, but deduplicate on profile email or mobile no). The orchestration should then be built on the relevant app, as similar to mentioned above.
Hope this provides some idea on to achieve your usecase.
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Great, Thanks a lot @sreeCharan73 !!