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[Mentor Jayakrishnaa Parthasarathy] Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Jayakrishnaa Parthasarathy!

Jayakrishnaa Parthasarathy will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.


Know your Mentor Jayakrishnaa 

Jayakrishnaa brings his extensive experience with Adobe Analytics, Launch, Target, and Audience Manager, and more recently, he has been working with AEP and AJO technology. He is passionate about working on Adobe platforms, finding it both challenging and rewarding. He looks forward to further collaboration and exploration with other experts in the Adobe community.


Aspirants mapped to Jayakrishnaa Parthasarathy (aka @jayakrishnaaparthasarathy )

1) Ankit Chaudhary aka @Ankit_Chaudhary 
2) Kandavadivelan S aka @Kanda_SR 
3) Ramakrishna zalaki aka @ramakrishna3 
4) Mohd Kashaf Tahirhussain Momin akaMohd_KashafMo
5) Deepak K V aka @DeepakK_ 
6) Laxa Devda aka @LaxaDe 
7) Parvesh Sharma aka @parveshsh 
Aditi Kaushik aka @AditiKaushik 
9) Revanth Ponnuru aka @RevanthPonnuru 
10) Koti Reddy Syamala aka @kotisyamala 
11) Enok Lee aka @EnokLe 
12) Michael Giddings aka @fondofhatsKey 

13) Mohd Kashaf Tahirhussain Momin aka @Mohd_KashafMo 

How to participate in the program

  • Post your Questions in this thread to connect with your Mentor, Jayakrishnaa Parthasarathy, and fellow Aspirant peers.
  • Stand a chance to win the ‘Most Engaging Aspirant’ recognition from your mentor by participating in a weekly quiz.
  • Test your knowledge by replying to the unresolved questions in the Real-Time CDP and AEP community and tag your Mentor to get recognized as an ‘Exceptional Contributor’ by your mentor.
  • Stick to the schedule to cover one module/week and clear Adobe Real-Time CDP Certification during the program: July 15 – Aug 30

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot to stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program.
  • Introduce yourself to Jayakrishnaa Parthasarathy and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe DX stack. 
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform Developer Expert certification (Exam ID: AD0-E605)
  • Stick to schedule and ensure you track your progress in the exam prep guide.
  • Test your learning by replying to weekly quiz by your mentor
  • Practice the modules by replying to unresolved queries in the AEP community & RTCDP Community and tag your mentor. 

Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!

65 Replies


Community Advisor
Hi Team,

Happy Friday, everyone! It's fantastic to connect with you all on this thread. Let's gear up for the program and make sure we complete the required documentation on a weekly basis as planned. I encourage everyone to strictly follow the timeline and focus on both the documentation and video tutorials. I'll be sharing some tips and insights from my experience, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on each topic based on your own experiences each week.
Models described below as per weekly basis: 
RTCDP MP24 Module 1 Data Architecture
RTCDP MP24 Module 2 Real-Time Customer Profile & Data Ingestion
RTCDP MP24 Module 3 Segmentation & Data Activation
RTCDP MP24 Module 4 Governance & Administration
Upcoming quiz: 

RTCDP MP24 Weekly Quiz for Week 1 - XDM Data Modelling & Fundamentals of AEP developer 
RTCDP MP24 Module 1 Data Architecture learning documentation & Video Tutorials:

Happy Learning,
Jayakrishnaa P

Hi Team,

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Please find the below quiz/questions that is related to XDM concepts. Feel free to post your understanding on the quiz and let me know if any. I have created few questions based on the document shared earlier on this thread. Will be adding few more shortly.

  1. What are the ideal steps to convert any normalized sources of data to AEP XDM?
  2. Is it really required to consider the secondary identifier for the entity? What is the actual purpose of having secondary identifier on the schema?
  3. Under what circumstance we should be considering the custom class? i.e., look up schema.
  4. Is it necessary to have email attribute as “Email” data type or just a string should be fine? What is the difference on using email & string as a data type for email attribute?
  5. Sources like CRM, Loyalty, Member entity.etc. with respective identities. What is the identity namespace type that would be considered for the respective identities for the mentioned entities?
  6. Give me some examples of source/entity name where we will use “non-people identifier” as primary identifier? What is the main objective of considering “non-people identifier” as primary identifier?

Thank you,

Jayakrishnaa P.


  1. What are the ideal steps to convert any normalized sources of data to AEP XDM?

Ans :

  • Identify the source system of each entity.
  • Categorize entities into record or time series data.
  • De-normalize our entities by putting them into logical groups.
  • Map each logical group to standard XDM class.
  • Map fields in the entity to standard filed group.
  • Create new classes and field groups for any remaining entities and fields.
  • List the identities that can be used for each source.
  • Identify namespaces for each identity.
  • Create new namespaces for any remaining namespaces.

2. Is it really required to consider the secondary identifier for the entity? What is the actual purpose of having secondary identifier on the schema?

Ans : 

We have 2 categories of identity.  Primary and secondary. Primary identity is required in every record of profile-enabled schemas. They should exist in every record that we are ingesting, and it should be unique.

Secondary identities are other fields that can uniquely identify an individual, but which may or may not be present.

Secondary identifiers play a crucial role in establishing relationships and managing data within the platform. When there are multiple identities associated with an entity, one of them is designated as the primary identity, while the remaining identities are designated as secondary. This distinction allows Identity Service to establish links between identities, enabling comprehensive data management.

The presence of secondary identifiers ensures that Identity Service can effectively link identities across platform.

3.Under what circumstance we should be considering the custom class? i.e., look up schema.

Ans :

Custom classes are ideal when there are no Adobe-defined core classes available to describe a unique use case. If data requires specific attributes and behaviors that are not covered by standard XDM classes, creating a custom class allow us to define the structure and properties that align with the specific use case.

              Example: capturing product meta data details like Product Name, Product Category etc.

4. Is it necessary to have email attribute as “Email” data type or just a string should be fine? What is the difference on using email & string as a data type for email attribute?

Ans :

Email address is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) data type that describes the details of an email address.

The technical address of the email as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards (for example, name@domain.com).

In XDM, email addresses must contain a valid top-level domain to pass validation.


Source : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/xdm/data-types/email-address#


The "String" data type is a fundamental data type used in Adobe Experience Platform to represent text-based information.  It doesn’t have any validation.

If the attribute is solely meant to store email addresses, using the "Email Address" data type is generally the better choice due to its validation benefits.

5.Sources like CRM, Loyalty, Member entity. Etc. with respective identities. What is the identity namespace type that would be considered for the respective identities for the mentioned entities?

Ans :

1. Loyalty: Loyalty programs often have unique identifiers for their members, such as loyalty IDs. In this case, a custom namespace specific to the loyalty program, such as "Loyalty," would be considered for the respective identities. This custom namespace would help separate loyalty-related identity values from other sources.

2. Member Entity: If the members are part of a specific program or entity, a custom namespace reflecting that program or entity could be considered. Additionally, standard identity namespaces such as Email or Phone may also be relevant.

3. CRM: For CRM sources also, the identity namespace will be a custom.

6.Give me some examples of source/entity name where we will use “non-people identifier” as primary identifier? What is the main objective of considering “non-people identifier” as primary identifier?

Ans :


Non-people identifiers are used to store identifiers that require namespaces but are not connected to a person cluster
1. Product SKU: Non-people identifiers are commonly used to store product SKUs, which are unique codes assigned to each product in a retailer's inventory.

2. Organization ID: Non-people identifiers can also be used to store unique identifiers for organizations, such as business entities or institutions.

Hi @jayakrishnaaparthasarathy  , I tried to answer all your questions based on my knowledge and with the help of documentation. 



Community Advisor

Great @DeepakK_ , Massive!! I appreciate your answer and your understanding on the questions are fine. Please make sure to cover all the remaining document if any.

Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.


Community Advisor

1. Converting Normalized Sources to AEP XDM

There's no one-size-fits-all approach, but here's a good process for converting normalized sources to AEP XDM:

  1. Understand the Data: Analyze your normalized source data structure and identify relevant entities (e.g., customer, product, transaction).
  2. Map Entities to XDM Classes: Align your entities with existing XDM classes (e.g., "xdm:IndividualProfile" for customer). If no perfect match exists, consider using a custom class (more on that later).
  3. Map Attributes to XDM Fields: Match your data attributes to corresponding XDM fields within the chosen class. Utilize existing field definitions or create custom fields if needed.
  4. Identify Primary Identifiers: Select a unique identifier for each entity (e.g., email address for customer). This becomes the primary identity in your schema.
  5. Define Namespaces: Assign appropriate namespaces to all identity fields based on their source (e.g., "crmId" namespace for CRM system).
  6. Validate and Refine: Validate your schema against XDM specifications and refine as needed.

2. Secondary Identifiers: Why They Matter

It's not mandatory to have secondary identifier in your schema, but secondary identifiers offer several benefits:

  • Enhanced Identity Resolution: They provide additional data points for AEP to match user profiles across different sources, increasing accuracy.
  • Data Enrichment: These identifiers can be used to enrich profiles with additional details, providing a more holistic view of the user.
  • Flexibility: They allow for fallback mechanisms if the primary identifier is unavailable (e.g., email address changes).

Any field which is marked as an identity but not as primary identity will behave as secondary identifier. 

3. Custom Classes: When They're Useful

Use a custom class when no existing XDM class perfectly aligns with your data structure. For example, you might create a "LoyaltyMember" class to capture specific data points from your loyalty program or productDetail class to capture data points related to different products.

4. Data Type for Email Attribute: "Email" vs. "String"

using a "String" data type is technically possible for an e-mail field however, AEP recommends using the "Email" data type for email addresses. This offers benefits like:

  • Validation: Ensures data format adheres to email standards.
  • Segmentation: Enables filtering and targeting based on email addresses.

5. Identity Namespace Examples

Namespaces will provide additional context to a value available in the identity field

  • CRM: "crmId" namespace would be appropriate for a CRM system identifier.
  • Loyalty: "loyaltyProgramId" namespace would be specific to your loyalty program's identifier.
  • Member: "memberId" namespace could be used for a membership identifier.

6. Non-People Identifiers as Primary Identifiers

The main objective of using a non-people identifier is to create a schema focused on a specific entity that isn't a person. This allows for efficient data management and analysis related to that entity.

Here are some examples of using non-people identifiers as primary identifiers:

  • Product: "productId" could be the primary identifier for a product schema.
  • Order: "orderId" could be the primary identifier for an order schema.
  • Loyalty: "loyaltyProgramId" could be the primary identifier for a device schema.


Community Advisor

@Ankit_Chaudhary Awesome. I appreciate your understanding on the questions, and you are really great on explaining the stuff. Please make sure to cover remaining topics if any.

Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.

@Ankit_Chaudhary @DeepakK_ @RevanthPonnuru I appreciate you for taking time and giving your answer. Please make sure to cover remaining documentation if any.

@others - Please take some time and try to give your understanding for the question mentioned. I will be sharing the module 2 along with documentation end of this week, so let's make sure to cover XDM fundamental before we move to the exiting topics.

Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.


  1. What are the ideal steps to convert any normalized sources of data to AEP XDM?

Using sources and destinations to get the data in to AEP as normalized data means already cleaned data which we can use for further queries and analysis.



  1. Under what circumstance we should be considering the custom class? i.e., look up schema.

When you want to have the data for that particular schema in the system but need not to link the schema with the profile, then we use the lookup schema. The data in the lookup schema will not be linked with profile as we use non-identifier profiles namespace.


3.Is it necessary to have email attribute as “Email” data type or just a string should be fine? What is the difference on using email & string as a data type for email attribute?


Ans: We can use email as an datatype as it accepts only valid high profile domain addresses.


4.Sources like CRM, Loyalty, Member entity.etc. with respective identities. What is the identity namespace type that would be considered for the respective identities for the mentioned entities?


we will be using individual cross device id for the mentioned id's above.


6.Give me some examples of source/entity name where we will use “non-people identifier” as primary identifier? What is the main objective of considering “non-people identifier” as primary identifier?


This will be used to track the interactions at the device level and helps in collecting anonymous data.



@jayakrishnaaparthasarathy  I tried to answer the questions please correct me if wrong, will be helpful in learning new things or things which i don't know.












Community Advisor

Thank you, @RevanthPonnuru . Please check the answer for the last question. I appreciate your try and most of them are correct. I request you to elaborate the answer from next time to know your exact understanding. 

Jayakrishnaa P.



1. What are the ideal steps to convert any normalized sources of data to AEP XDM?

  • Identify all data sources that need to be converted.
  • Identify relevant XDM classes by matching source data entities to the appropriate XDM classes. (XDM Individual Profile, ExperienceEvent)
  • Field Mapping that aligns fields from source data to XDM fields. Identify any gaps where the source data doesn’t directly map to XDM and consider custom fields.
  • Identify Primary Identifiers for schema and define namespaces to all identity fields based on their source.
  • Develop ingestion workflows

2. Is it really required to consider the secondary identifier for the entity? What is the actual purpose of having secondary identifier on the schema?

Secondary identifiers provide additional layers of identity resolution and data integration, which can enhance data accuracy and consistency. However, this is not mandatory.


3. Under what circumstance we should be considering the custom class? i.e., look up schema.

You have unique or specialized data needs not met by standard classes.

You need to extend existing schemas with additional attributes.


4. Is it necessary to have email attribute as “Email” data type or just a string should be fine? What is the difference on using email & string as a data type for email attribute?

The "Email" data type in AEP is specifically designed to store email addresses. It comes with built-in validation to ensure that the value conforms to the standard email format. Using String is possible, but it would be better to manage data quality with using Email.


5. Sources like CRM, Loyalty, Member entity.etc. with respective identities. What is the identity namespace type that would be considered for the respective identities for the mentioned entities


CRM: crmId

Loyalty: loyaltyId

Member: memberId


6. Give me some examples of source/entity name where we will use “non-people identifier” as primary identifier? What is the main objective of considering “non-people identifier” as primary identifier?

Transaction Records, Device Data, Order ID.

The primary reason of using a non-people identifier is to ensure unique and consistent identification of non-human entities within a system.



Community Advisor

Thank you, @EnokLe . I appreciate your answer. Please check the answer for 5th & 6th question. Request you to make sure to cover all documentation if any.

Jayakrishnaa P.


Community Advisor

Hi Team,

Few best practices that need to be considered on data modelling.

  1. When we are transforming any normalized sources of data to AEP understanding the schema composition along with respective identity, field group usage, relationship is a key on making the entity migration to denormalized XDM format.
  2. Making sure to have an exact defined fields as per the sources will help us to avoid any ingestion failure. Also, data type should be appropriate and that makes marketer to create an audience with exact relevant values.
  3. Best practice is to create a one schema and dataset for each entity from source and that help us to maintain in the long run.
  4. Analyzing the source data before we create an ERD model would help us to make the XDM model better, like relation between entities, data types used and relevant values, frequency of value change. Etc.
  5. Understanding the relation between schemas is also vital part of deriving the XDM as it would create a separate folder property in audience section and try to map the cardinality accordingly. This will help us to fetch the relevant profiles for the respective reference schema.

Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.


Community Advisor
Hi Team,

Happy Friday! Thank you for participating in last week's module and quiz. Here is the documentation for our next module on profiles and ingestion in AEP RTCDP for you to quickly read and get familiar with. Additionally, there are other related documents available in the Adobe learning tutorial, so feel free to refer to those as well.
RTCDP MP24 Module 2 Real-Time Customer Profile & Data Ingestion documentation & Video Tutorials:


RTCDP MP24 Weekly Quiz for Week 2 - AEP RTCDP Profiles & Data Ingestion

Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.

Hi Team,

Good afteroon. Please find the quiz for the week and try to give your answer. Feel free to comment if any. 

  1. When two profiles are merged due to having the same email ID in the identity service, how can you identify the datasets and batches responsible for this merge?
  2. If profile fragments ingested with an email as an identity are not appearing in the identity graph and the system returns "No identity graphs found," what could be the potential reasons for this issue?
  3. Which feature in Adobe Experience Platform allows you to view the union of specific class fields, attributes, and the corresponding schemas and datasets?
  4. Is it possible to delete profiles that have been ingested into Adobe Experience Platform? If so, what methods can be utilized to remove these profiles from all three services?
  5. What troubleshooting steps should be taken if batch data has been successfully ingested into Adobe Experience Platform, but the profiles are not visible in the profile tab?
  6. What are the potential impacts on the system if data is ingested with a data type mismatch, such as specifying "String" during data modeling but receiving "Integer" data?
  7. What is the maximum number of identities that Adobe Experience Platform can hold for an individual profile, and what happens if this limit is exceeded?
  8. What are the consequences of deleting a dataset that has been enabled for profiles in Adobe Experience Platform?
  9. What are some common challenges encountered during data ingestion in Adobe Experience Platform, and how can these issues be mitigated?

Happy Learning!

Jayakrishnaa P.

Hi @Ankit_Chaudhary @EnokLe @DeepakK_ Good evening. Please take some time to answer the Week 2 questions and feel free to DM if any.

Thank you,
Jayakrishnaa P.


Community Advisor

1. Checking Dataset and batches responsible for a merge

To check the dataset and batches responsible for a merge in identity graph follow the mentioned steps:

  1. Navigate to identity graph tab in identities section.
  2. Select the identity namespace as Email and enter the value and click view.
  3. A graph will be available if you've entered a correct value now you can select a link within the graph to see the dataset and batch ID that contribute to that link(a panel in the right will be available with Batch ID, Dataset ID, Dataset name, Schema name).

2. "No identity graphs found" Error

After selecting an identity namespace and entering its corresponding value you can face this error for the following reasons:

  1. The identity value entered doesn't not exist.
  2. The identity value you've entered doesn't link with any other identity.
  3. Identity graph exceeds more than 50 Identities.

3. How to View the Union View of schemas

Union Schema : With in experience platform UI you can view any union schema for a specific class.

  • Navigate to Union schema tab under profile from left rail in experience platform.

4. Deleting profiles after ingestion

Adobe Experience Platform generally doesn't support direct profile deletion. However, you can delete a specific profile by making a delete API request using profile API this will remove the profile from profile profile store but not the underlaying data from the data lake.


5. Data Ingested but Profiles aren't visible

  1. Data Validation: Verify that the ingested data adheres to the schema and data types.
  2. Identity Resolution: Ensure that the identity fields are correctly defined and populated.
  3. Merge Policies: Check if the merge policies are configured correctly for the ingested data.
  4. System Delays: Allow sufficient time for data processing and profile creation.
  5. Profile Toggle: Verify the profile toggle is enabled for both schema and dataset.

6. Impacts of Data Type Mismatch

Data type mismatches can lead to:

  • Data Loss: Incorrect data interpretation and potential truncation of values.
  • Data Quality Issues: Inaccurate calculations and reporting.

7. Maximum Number of Identities and Consequences

The maximum number of identities in an Identity Graph for an individual profile is 50. Any profiles with more than 50 identities are excluded from segmentation, exports, and lookups.


8. Consequences of Deleting a Profile Enabled Dataset

If a dataset is enabled for Profile, deleting that dataset through the UI will delete it from the data lake, Identity Service, and also any profile data associated with that dataset in the Profile store.

9. Common Challenges in Data Ingestion

  • Data Quality Issues: Inconsistent data formats, missing values, and invalid data can hinder ingestion.
  • Schema Mismatches: Discrepancies between source data and target schema can cause errors.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: Large data volumes or complex transformations can impact ingestion speed.
  • Error Handling: Ineffective error handling can lead to data loss or processing delays.

To mitigate these challenges, implement robust data validation, error handling, and monitoring processes

1.When two profiles are merged due to having the same email ID in the identity service, how can you identify the datasets and batches responsible for this merge?



Using Identity Graph:

  • The Identity Graph within AEP can provide detailed information on how identities are stitched together.
  • Navigate to the Identity Graph and search for the specific email ID.
  • This will show the batches and the datasets that contributed.

2. If profile fragments ingested with an email as an identity are not appearing in the identity graph and the system returns "No identity graphs found," what could be the potential reasons for this issue?


An identity graph requires a minimum of two linked identities to be generated and a valid identity namespace and value combination.

3. Which feature in Adobe Experience Platform allows you to view the union of specific class fields, attributes, and the corresponding schemas and datasets?


In Adobe Experience Platform, the feature that allows you to view the union of specific class fields, attributes, and the corresponding schemas and datasets is the Union Schema . This  provides a comprehensive view of the union schema for a specific XDM class, allowing you to explore the fields contained within each schema that shares the same class.

4. Is it possible to delete profiles that have been ingested into Adobe Experience Platform? If so, what methods can be utilized to remove these profiles from all three services?


Yes, it is possible to delete profiles that have been ingested into Adobe Experience Platform. To remove profiles, we can utilize the Real-Time Customer Profile API to create a Profile system job.

5. What troubleshooting steps should be taken if batch data has been successfully ingested into Adobe Experience Platform, but the profiles are not visible in the profile tab?


  1. Check dataset and schema to ensure that it is enabled for Profile.
  2. Confirm identities are configured and populated properly
  3. If the profiles are still not visible, consider using the Real-Time Customer Profile Access API to retrieve data.

6. What are the potential impacts on the system if data is ingested with a data type mismatch, such as specifying "String" during data modelling but receiving "Integer" data?



  1. If the received Integer data does not match the expected String type defined in the schema, it can lead to schema validation failures. This can prevent the successful ingestion of the data and impact downstream processes that rely on the availability of accurate and consistent data.
  2.  if a field is defined as a "String" type but receives "Integer" data, it can result in unexpected behaviour and incorrect interpretations of the data in calculations and reporting.

7. What is the maximum number of identities that Adobe Experience Platform can hold for an individual profile, and what happens if this limit is exceeded?


The maximum number of identities that Adobe Experience Platform can hold for an individual profile is 50. If this limit is exceeded, the affected profiles with more than 50 identities are excluded from segmentation, exports, and lookups.

8.What are the consequences of deleting a dataset that has been enabled for profiles in Adobe Experience Platform?


Ans:  If a dataset is enabled for Profile, deleting it through the UI will remove it from the data lake, Identity Service, and any profile data associated with that dataset in the Profile store. This means that any profile data linked to the deleted dataset will be permanently removed.

9.What are some common challenges encountered during data ingestion in Adobe Experience Platform, and how can these issues be mitigated?


  1. Data validation is a critical step in the ingestion process, and failures in validation can lead to ingestion issues. To address this, it is important to ensure that the payload being sent is formatted properly according to the XDM schemas. 
  2. Enabling partial data ingestion with a specified error threshold can lead to successful data flow runs with a few failed records. By setting an error threshold, users can control the acceptance of records with transformation issues, ensuring that the entire flow does not fail due to a small percentage of failed records. Additionally, enabling error diagnosis for data flows allows users to preview or download the error diagnosis to determine the cause of failed records.
  3. During the data ingestion process, transformation errors can occur, leading to issues with the quality of the ingested data. To mitigate this, it is recommended to review the transformation warnings periodically and adjust the transformation logic to account for these issues. 



Community Advisor

Thank you @DeepakK_ , good one. Can you check the answer for 4th question and make sure to familiarize on deleting profiles from all the services from AEP. 

Hi Team - Glad for all your answers and good to see your understanding on the XDM fundamentals, Profiles, Identities and data ingestion. However, there is slight change on the answer that everyone would have replied on identities & profile deletion. So, please take a moment to read the document and familiarize on the same.

Here you go the question - 

What is the maximum number of identities that Adobe Experience Platform can hold for an individual profile, and what happens if this limit is exceeded? Identity Deletion login -  Understanding the deletion logic.

Is it possible to delete profiles that have been ingested into Adobe Experience Platform? If so, what methods can be utilized to remove these profiles from all three services? Privacy Service (profile deletion on RESTful API) - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/privacy/home

Would request everyone to take a look on the given documentation to surprise your thoughts (hope so) on identity and feel free to comment if any.

  1. When two profiles are merged due to having the same email ID in the identity service, how can you identify the datasets and batches responsible for this merge?

Need to check the preferred merge policy on how the identity service has been configured.


    2.If profile fragments ingested with an email as an identity are not appearing in the identity graph and the system returns "No identity graphs found," what could be the potential reasons for this issue?
You need to have two identities to have identity gragh (i.e primary and secondary identity). The secondary identity must be a primary identity in another schema.
3.Which feature in Adobe Experience Platform allows you to view the union of specific class fields, attributes, and the corresponding schemas and datasets?
There is a feature called Union Schema tab which will allow to view the classes, fields and attributes.
4. Is it possible to delete profiles that have been ingested into Adobe Experience Platform? If so, what methods can be utilized to remove these profiles from all three services?
There is a concept of Datalifecycle in AEP where we can raise request to delete dataset/specific profile. once admin approves the request runs and data gets deleted.
 5.What troubleshooting steps should be taken if batch data has been successfully ingested into Adobe Experience Platform, but the profiles are not visible in the profile tab?
1. Need to check the identities.
2. Need to check the datatypes of all the data you have uploaded.
3.check the status of your uploaded version.
4. check if new profile fragment is added in the dataset upload.
6.What are the potential impacts on the system if data is ingested with a data type mismatch, such as specifying "String" during data modeling but receiving "Integer" data?
As string can handle integer data no such impact can be there.
7.What is the maximum number of identities that Adobe Experience Platform can hold for an individual profile, and what happens if this limit is exceeded?
50 is the count for the max no of identities. once it crosses 50 it doesn't allow you to create.
8.What are the consequences of deleting a dataset that has been enabled for profiles in Adobe Experience Platform?
1. You will lose data.
2. The users who are in that dataset and eligible for ongoing journeys they will be moved to timeout.
9.What are some common challenges encountered during data ingestion in Adobe Experience Platform, and how can these issues be mitigated?
   1.data mismatch [Need to understand what type of data you are getting from downstream, then you can solve them]
   2. proper Json/csv format [json format must be proper when inserting the data.]
   3. need to map correctly and schedule it wisely.
@jayakrishnaaparthasarathy  Tried to answer the questions, please analyze and let me know if my thinking is wrong. Happy to learn.
Happy Learning!
Revanth Ponnuru