Hello Team,
Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Brenna Scurlock!
Brenna will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.
Know your Mentor Brenna Scurlock (aka @bscurlock )
Brenna brings over a decade of industry experience. She is working with Adobe as a part of the Ultimate Success team supporting RTCDP. At Adobe, She developed a passion for customer support, enablement, and mentorship in many ways, including piloting a Real-Time CDP learning program for Ultimate Success that has helped others achieve their certification.
She is excited to continue supporting the community with all things Real-Time CDP as a mentor!
Aspirants mapped to Brenna
1) Induru Vishnu Vardhan Reddy aka @vishnureddy446
2) Ribhu Banerjee aka @ribhubanerjee
3) Diya Haldar aka @DiyaHa
4) Pooja Jadhav aka @Pmjadhav
5) Gourav aka @Gourav1234
6) Rick Alexander aka @rick_j_alexander
9) Carolina Cardoso Chehade aka @CarolinaChehade
10) Ramakrishna zalaki aka @ramakrishna3
11) Giriraj Vijayaraghavan aka @giri3072
12) Sahil Oberoi aka @SahilOb
13) Erika Romero aka @Erikaprom
How to participate in the program
Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:
Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!
We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning journey!
@bscurlock I believe the answer is 4 which includes both 1&2. 1 is a change to audience membership which will trigger the profile export. 2 is an update to a mapped profile attribute for a qualified profile so that will also trigger the profile export to ensure the profile is updated.
Hi, I too think it's option 4 (Both 1&2).
Hi @bscurlock , the correct answer is 4. Both 1 & 2, the reason is
when we have a streaming audience activated to Amazon Kinesis, the following activities would typically trigger a profile export to Amazon Kinesis for this audience:
1.When a new profile meets the criteria for the audience, it triggers an export to send the profile information to the connected Amazon Kinesis stream.
2.An update to a mapped profile attribute for a qualified profile: If there is a change to any of the profile attributes that are mapped and used for audience segmentation, and the profile is already part of the audience, this update would trigger an export.
Hi everyone, you are all correct, the answer is both 1 & 2. Non-mapped profile attributes would not trigger an activation in this scenario.
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@bscurlock Option is 4 (both 1 & 2)
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Hi@bscurlock and Everyone,
My name Erika working as a Sr Enterprise Architect supporting the implementation of Adobe Campaign, AEP, AJO and RTCDP. I have been learning from Adobe products for a year now and looking forward to gain a good level of expertise so it can help me to guide the team during the adoption of these technologies in the organization in the best way possible. Looking forward to interact and learn from you and keep enriching my skillset
Week 2 Study Guide: Privacy and Data Governance
Hi team, this week we will focus on section 2 of the exam which covers privacy and data governance:
Next Steps:
Tips & Tricks:
Pay close attention to the topics below:
Stay tuned for a couple quizzes later this week!
@vishnureddy446 @ribhubanerjee @DiyaHa @Pmjadhav @Gourav1234 @rick_j_alexander @EdDaugherty @fondofhatsKey @CarolinaChehade @ramakrishna3 @giri3072 @SahilOb @Erikaprom
Looking forward for Quiz @bscurlock
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Quizzes for Week 2 module:
What are the categories of data usage labels?
What type of privacy requests are supported for Adobe Experience Platform via Privacy Service?
True or False: When I submit a request to Privacy Service for the Email Namespace "bscurlock@adobe.com", the system will automatically locate and delete all other identity data related to this email address. Explain why this does or does not work.
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What are the categories of data usage labels?
3. Contract, Identity, Sensitive and Partner Ecosystem
What type of privacy requests are supported for Adobe Experience Platform via Privacy Service?
True or False: When I submit a request to Privacy Service for the Email Namespace "bscurlock@adobe.com", the system will automatically locate and delete all other identity data related to this email address. Explain why this does or does not work.
True, as long Email is the customer unique identifier that links all this customer stored private data in Adobe Experience cloud.
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What are the categories of data usage labels?
3. Contract, Identity, Sensitive and Partner Ecosystem
What type of privacy requests are supported for Adobe Experience Platform via Privacy Service?
True or False: When I submit a request to Privacy Service for the Email Namespace "bscurlock@adobe.com", the system will automatically locate and delete all other identity data related to this email address. Explain why this does or does not work.
The answer is False: When we submit a request to the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) Privacy Service for a specific email address, such as "bscurlock@adobe.com," the system will process the request for that particular identifier within the specified namespace. However, it will not automatically locate and delete all other identity data related to this email address unless those data points are linked or associated with the email address within AEP's identity graph or data mode
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Week 3 Study Guide: Business Analysis
Hi team, this week you should focus on section 3 of the exam which covers business analysis.
Next Steps:
Tips & Tricks:
Pay close attention to the topics below:
Quizzes for Week 3 module:
What types of dataflows can be monitored in the Monitoring Dashboard?
What are the 3 supported data behaviors in XDM system?
What is an appropriate use case for partial batch ingestion?
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What types of dataflows can be monitored in the Monitoring Dashboard?
4. All of the above
What are the 3 supported data behaviors in XDM system?
2. Record, Time-series and Ad-hoc
What is an appropriate use case for partial batch ingestion?
2. When you have a really large file and want to upload it in smaller chunks
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@ribhubanerjee thanks for answering! couple corrections outlined below:
Q: What types of dataflows can be monitored in the Monitoring Dashboard?
A: The Monitoring Dashboard displays dataflows for sources, identities, profiles, audiences and destinations. See the Monitoring dashboard overview for detailed metrics on each.
Q: What is an appropriate use case for partial batch ingestion?
A: When you want to identify any incorrect or invalid data in the file and batch those records separately. See the Partial batch ingestion overview for details.
Happy Friday everyone!
Apologies for the delay in quizzes, I have been out sick for much of this week. I have posted some extra questions for you all in both Week 2 and Week 3 modules.
Have you been taking your practice exams? How are they going?
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Hi @bscurlock , the practice tests are going good. Can really see the difference which are the topics that I need to focus.
@bscurlock , I have a query regarding Segments which I came across while working on an engagement:
Scenario: I have a scenario where I have to send some cart information (SKU, price info) along with profile first, last name etc and create a csv file to a S3 bucket.
a. An audience contains both profile information (first, last name, state etc) and event chains. Although there is a profile snapshot table (Accessible from query service). There is no event dataset dedicated to profile (except for the dataset(s) created by me): Is there a way to find the event dataset/tables for the event (like profile snapshot)
b. When an audience generates a PQL script (Visible inside the audience) can it be transformed into a SQL to be used in query service? If it is possible, in my scenario, can I use the query to fetch the data from query service
c. If I have an event dataset and I have enabled the dataset for profile say after rigorous testing of 15 days. So, the profile event will only show the data from 16th onwards. However, if I have to query the dataset, it will show all the data (even those during the 15-day long test). So, there is a distinct between the profile store event data vs the event dataset itself. How to find this "profile store event data" only (query service)?
Hi @ribhubanerjee, glad to hear the practice tests are helpful! I highly recommend taking a couple practice tests before the actual exam.
As to your questions, I have a bit of information for you:
A. There is no snapshot dataset for Event data. You would have to query the event datasets directly. Event data does not require a snapshot because the event itself is a "snapshot" in time. Profile data on the other hand can change over the course of the day so the snapshot is intended to provide a moment in time for a given Profile.
B. Unfortunately, you can't use PQL in Query Service. You would have to re-create the query in SQL to run in Query Service.
C. I don't think there's any way to exclude the 15 days of test data. You could perhaps try to use a date filter in your query (filter out events prior to day 16). As a best practice I would recommend deleting any test data prior to enabling for profile to ingest live data.
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50% waive-off vouchers available for the exam!
Please fill out the 50% waive-off voucher form to claim.
Form is open NOW and closes on Aug 19, 2024, so don't delay to fill it out. This form is exclusive to the mentorship program so please do not share. Thank you!
Week 4 Study Guide: Schemas and Profiles
Hi team, in this final week of studying you should focus on section 4 of the exam:
Next Steps:
Tips & Tricks:
Pay close attention to the topics below:
Quiz for Week 4: Try to answer these open-ended questions as you study the week 4 material
Good luck in this final week of studying!!
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What are the 2 supported merge methods in a merge policy?
The 2 supported merge methods are:
Where can you find the Union Schema in the UI, and what sort of information does it display?
To navigate to union schemas within the Platform UI, we have to select Profiles from the left navigation, then select the Union Schema tab.
The Union Schema tab opens to display the union schema for the currently selected class.
What inputs are required to lookup a Profile in the Profile Browse UI?
To lookup a Profile in the Profile Browse UI, we need to provide the Merge Policy and filter by an Identity Namespace such email along with an Identity Value.