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[Mentor Arpan Garg] Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Arpan Garg!

Arpan Garg will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.

Know your Mentor Arpan Garg (aka @arpan-garg  )

Arpan is an industry leader as well as a Community member of the year for 2023. He comes with vast project experience working on multiple AEP projects

Aspirants mapped to Arpan Garg
1) Reinaldo Nani aka @ReinaldoNa 
2) Vivek Tripathi aka @vivektripathi 
3) Rohit Kumar Jadhav aka @rohitjadhav 
4) Ryan Potter aka @potterrauzon2 
5) Sukumar Manchikatla aka @manchik 
6) Robert Børlum-Bach aka @robertbb 
7) Harshit Singh aka @Hars_hitSingh 
Kasper Andersen aka @kandersen 
9) Rajneesh Gautam aka @Rajneesh_Gautam_ 
10) Mohammed Atif uddin aka @Atif_uddinMo 
11) Stephanie Parks aka @StephaniePa1 

How to participate in the program

  • Post your Questions in this thread to connect with your Mentor, Arpan Garg, and fellow Aspirant peers.
  • Stand a chance to win the ‘Most Engaging Aspirant’ recognition from your mentor by participating in a weekly quiz.
  • Test your knowledge by replying to the unresolved questions in the Real-Time CDP and AEP community and tag your Mentor to get recognized as an ‘Exceptional Contributor’ by your mentor.
  • Stick to the schedule to cover one module/week and clear Adobe Real-Time CDP Certification during the program: July 15 – Aug 30

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot to stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program.
  • Introduce yourself to Arpan Garg and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe DX stack. 
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the  Adobe Real-Time CDP Business Practitioner Professional Certification (Exam ID: AD0-E602)
  • Stick to schedule and ensure you track your progress in the exam prep guide.
  • Test your learning by replying to weekly quiz by your mentor
  • Practice the modules by replying to unresolved queries in the AEP community & RTCDP Community and tag your mentor. 

Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!

37 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @arpan-garg 
My name is Kasper, based out of Copenhagen, working at a consultancy who is an Adobe partner. 

The AEP certification is on my todo and has been for a while. Since I've just recently attended in the mentor program as Mentor for Adobe Target i thought this would be a good way to achieve the AEP certification, by being held 'accountable' and to do it as a group, rather than on my own.

Looking forward to be attending the program as aspirant : )


Community Advisor

Hi dear Aspirants,


I hope you're all doing well! I'm Arpan Garg, based out of Frankfurt. I'm excited to work with each of you. I want to assure you that I will do my best to assist you throughout this journey. If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to reach out to me directly on this post. Your learning is important to me, and I'm here to support you.


Looking forward to collaborating with you all!


Best regards,

Arpan Garg


Level 2

Hi @arpan-garg 
My name is Vivek Tripathi, based out of Lucknow, working at a consultancy who is an Adobe partner. 


AEP Developer certification is my goal, however I believe Business Practitioner certification would be the first step. I have done some hands-on in AEP sandbox and learnt basics on my own. I have few questions related to how AEP woks, will post them in near future. 


Looking forward to contribute as an aspirant !


Community Advisor

Hi @vivektripathi  - Nice to know you. Sure, feel free to post your questions here.





Community Advisor

Thanks @arpan-garg for stepping up as a mentor!


I am founder of a data consultancy, Dexata and a big time advocate of Adobe's capabilities as part of their Experience Cloud stack. I have extensively worked with Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target and Audience Manager, and now keen on learning about audience management and activation features RTCDP offers. You may find me on Adobe Target community as a Community Advisor. 


I am sure this will be a exciting journey!


Thanks @NimashaJain for intros and this fantastic initiative!


Level 1

Hello @arpan-garg ! 

My name is Stephanie and I am located in Safety Harbor, FL! My colleague (Ryan Potter) and myself work for Contravent, a digital agency out in Salt Lake City, UT. In fact, we are an extension of the Adobe creative team and help out on various projects. 

Together Ryan and I are building out a new arm of our agency for CDP Orchestration. We have made great headway on this offering but feel this certification will help us push forward further. I am excited to learn and soak it all in! 


Level 3

Hello @arpan-garg ,


Nice to meet you and all other fellow aspirants.


I am Harsh, based in Düsseldorf and working for an agency with different Adobe technologies. I have experience with different Adobe Experience Cloud products and looking forward to learn and continue the journey with CDP certification. I did work with AEP and RTCDP for some clients but not in extensive way. So looking forward to this program to learn more from you.


Thanks in advance,



Community Advisor

Hello @ReinaldoNa @vivektripathi  @rohitjadhav @potterrauzon2 @manchik @robertbb @Hars_hitSingh  @kandersen 
@Rajneesh_Gautam_ @Atif_uddinMo @StephaniePa1 


Have you seen the structure of the RT-CDP Business Practitioner exam? If not, you can find more details on this page: RT-CDP Business Practitioner Exam.


If you're not very familiar with Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) and want to understand how everything is connected end-to-end, I highly recommend this page: Comprehensive Technical Tutorial Archive. While it might be a bit outdated, it covers the core concepts of AEP very well.

I advise you to spend some time reviewing this document. If you have any questions or if anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm here to help with any other doubts you may have as well. If you still find AEP confusing and would like further assistance, please let me know, and we can arrange a call where I can explain it to you based on my experience.


Best regards, 

Arpan Garg



Community Advisor

Hello All,

RTCDP MP 24 -Weekly Quiz 1


The Real-Time CDP Business Practitioner exam assesses your proficiency with the tool and your understanding of basic concepts related to AEP data ingestion, activation, segmentation, segment builder, privacy service, and data governance.


 This quiz covers few questions around topics which a business practitioner should be aware of.

  1. Where can you create a new merge policy in AEP?
  2. Where can you search for profiles by merge policy in AEP?
  3. Can you provide an example of an identity namespace that is available by default in AEP, other than ECID and Email?
  4. How can you create a schema in AEP?
  5. What steps are required to enable a schema for profiles?
  6. What is the difference between a personal identity namespace and a non-personal identity namespace in AEP?
  7. On what criteria can you create a merge policy in AEP?
  8. What are the different methods of ingesting data into AEP?
  9. What are the different ways to create segments or audiences in AEP?
  10. What is the difference between edge, streaming, and batch audiences?
  11. Where and how can you define dataset precedence in AEP?
  12. What information do you need to search for a profile in AEP?

Please share your responses in the comments below.



Arpan Garg


Level 2

Hi Arpan ,

I have attempted these questions, please see my response below:

1. Where can you create a new merge policy in AEP?
We can create Merge Policy in Profiles. Navigation is as :
Main Menu -> Customer -> Profiles -> Merge Policies -> Create Merge Policy

2. Where can you search for profiles by merge policy in AEP?
We can search for Profiles by merge policy in Browse section under Profiles. Navigation is as :
Main Menu -> Customer -> Profiles -> Browse -> Select Merge Policy and Identity Namespace

3. Can you provide an example of an identity namespace that is available by default in AEP, other than ECID and Email?
Phone, TNTID, AAID are a few examples of identity namespace that is available by default in AEP, other than ECID and Email

4. How can you create a schema in AEP?
Main Menu -> Data Management -> Schemas

Prior to creating Schema we must follow these steps:
a. Decide if this schema will be a profile schema or not?
b. Define fields of schema.
c. Then define the fields which can act as identity, e.g. phone, email etc.
d. Then define which of the identity namespace will be Primary Identity
e. Select the class.
f. We can always reuse the available fields groups or create a new field group

5. What steps are required to enable a schema for profiles?
Go to schemas and enable the schema for profile by clicking Profile slide button.

6. What is the difference between a personal identity namespace and a non-personal identity namespace in AEP?
A namespace which can identify a person is personal identity namespace, e.g., phone, email etc.
A namespace which can identify a product or non-people identifier is non-personal identity namespace, e.g., sku, cookie id etc.

7. On what criteria can you create a merge policy in AEP?
We can always merge profile on the basis of :
•Profile Dataset -> Timestamp Ordered, Dataset Precedence.
•Experience Event Dataset

8. What are the different methods of ingesting data into AEP?
We can configure it in following ways:
a. Configure Sources using UI : Using out of the box connections available in Source, Use HTTP API function, Use FTP etc.
b. Configure using AEP API: Use Adobe I/O projects for ingesting using APIs

9. What are the different ways to create segments or audiences in AEP?
We can create 3 types of audience:
a. Batch
b. Streaming
c. Edge
Also, we can build using:
a. Build Rules
b. Compose Audience

10. What is the difference between edge, streaming, and batch audiences?
Batch Audiences are evaluated after a set interval of time.
Streaming Audiences are evaluated in real time.
Edge Audiences are resolved at edge network.

11.Where and how can you define dataset precedence in AEP?
Dataset Precedence is defined when we create a Merge Policy. We can define the order of dataset for precedence when merging profile datasets.

12.What information do you need to search for a profile in AEP?
We need Merge Policy, Identity Namespace and its corresponding value to search for a profile in AEP.



Level 1



Also took a swing at these...

  1. Where can you create a new merge policy in AEP?
    1. In the UI, profile, create new, name it, schema class, ID stitch, default (Y/N), priority, finish
  1. Where can you search for profiles by merge policy in AEP?
    1. Profiles then merge policies tab
  1. Can you provide an example of an identity namespace that is available by default in AEP, other than ECID and Email?
    1. Phone number
  1. How can you create a schema in AEP?
    1. In the UI, schema, create new, select data, name it, add remove fields
  1. What steps are required to enable a schema for profiles?
    1. Enter into the schema, go to properties and turn the profile switch on
  1. What is the difference between a personal identity namespace and a non-personal identity namespace in AEP?
    1. Non-personal namespace is a required identifier that isn’t connected to a specific person.
  1. On what criteria can you create a merge policy in AEP?
  1. What are the different methods of ingesting data into AEP?
    1. Batch, streaming, real time ingestion
  1. What are the different ways to create segments or audiences in AEP?
    1. Composed as audiences or through platform derived segment definitions.   
  1. What is the difference between edge, streaming, and batch audiences?
    1. Streaming is like on-demand- is ongoing data selection that updates audience
    2. Batch is a one time pull every 24 hours
    3. Edge instantaneous evaluation for same page and next page personalization.
  1. Where and how can you define dataset precedence in AEP?
    1. By timestamp
  1. What information do you need to search for a profile in AEP?
    1. identity namespace


Community Advisor

Great responses here from @vivektripathi  @StephaniePa1 

The answers given by @vivektripathi  are absolutely correct and can be considered as the answers.

What about others?





Community Advisor

1. Creating a New Merge Policy in AEP:

To create a Merge Policy in Adobe Experience Platform (AEP), navigate to the Profiles section:

Main Menu -> Customer -> Profiles -> Merge Policies -> Create Merge Policy.


2. Searching for Profiles by Merge Policy in AEP:

You can search for profiles by merge policy in the Browse section under Profiles:

Main Menu -> Customer -> Profiles -> Browse -> Select Merge Policy and Identity Namespace.


3. Example of an Identity Namespace Available by Default in AEP:

Besides ECID and Email, default identity namespaces in AEP include Phone, TNTID, and AAID.


4. Creating a Schema in AEP:

Navigate to:

Main Menu -> Data Management -> Schemas.

Before creating a schema, ensure you:

a. Decide if the schema will be a profile schema.

b. Define the schema fields.

c. Specify identity fields like phone or email.

d. Choose the primary identity namespace.

e. Select the appropriate class.

f. Reuse available field groups or create new ones.


5. Steps to Enable a Schema for Profiles in AEP:

Enable the schema for profiles by accessing the schemas section and toggling the Profile button.


6. Difference Between Personal and Non-Personal Identity Namespaces in AEP:

Personal Identity Namespace: Identifies individuals (e.g., phone, email).

Non-Personal Identity Namespace: Identifies non-person entities (e.g., SKU, cookie ID).


7. Criteria for Creating a Merge Policy in AEP:

Profiles can be merged based on:

•Profile Dataset using Timestamp Ordered or Dataset Precedence.

•Experience Event Dataset.


8. Methods for Ingesting Data into AEP:

Data can be ingested into AEP through:

a. Configuring Sources using the UI with out-of-the-box connections, HTTP API, or FTP.

b. Using AEP API via Adobe I/O projects for API-based ingestion.


9. Ways to Create Segments or Audiences in AEP:

Audiences in AEP can be created as:

a. Batch Audiences

b. Streaming Audiences

c. Edge Audiences

Additionally, segments can be built using:

a. Build Rules

b. Compose Audience


10. Difference Between Edge, Streaming, and Batch Audiences:

Batch Audiences: Evaluated at set intervals.

Streaming Audiences: Evaluated in real-time.

Edge Audiences: Resolved at the edge network.


11. Defining Dataset Precedence in AEP:

Define dataset precedence during the creation of a Merge Policy, specifying the order for merging profile datasets.


12. Information Needed to Search for a Profile in AEP:

To search for a profile, you need the Merge Policy, Identity Namespace, and the corresponding value.


Community Advisor

Hello All,

Sorry for being late.

RTCDP MP 24 -Weekly Quiz 2


 This quiz covers few other questions around activation,segmentation,data governance which a business practitioner should be aware of.

  1. You want to target audiences on platform like LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok. For targeting these platform profiles what 3 identities must be used (Please note for each of these platforms the identities need not be same)?
  2. What are the different types of data governance labels AEP offers?
  3. What’s the difference between I2,I1 label?
  4. How can you apply data governance label in AEP?
  5. If a customer decides that he don’t want his data to be stored in AEP and revokes his consent, what are the possible option for deleting the data?
  6. What are the possible data functions present in segment builder?
  7. How can you delete web data stored in AEP after the data is not relevant anymore?
  8. How can you delete anonymous profile that got created in AEP by accessing the website.
  9. When a profile enters and exits the segment , what’s the profile status that is visible in segment membership?
  10. Is it possible to do incremental load from a SFTP server?

Please share your responses in the comments below.


Level 2

Hi Arpan ,

Apologies for delayed response. I have attempted these questions, please see my response below:


1. You want to target audiences on platform like LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok. For targeting these platform profiles what 3 identities must be used (Please note for each of these platforms the identities need not be same)?
We can use following three ids:

LinkedIn - GAID , IDFA , email_lc_sha256 (Google Advertising ID, Apple Advertising ID, Hashed Email ID)
Facebook - GAID , phone_sha256, email_lc_sha256 (Google Advertising ID, Hashed Phone, Hashed Email ID)
TikTok - GAID , IDFA ,phone_sha256, email_lc_sha256 (Google Advertising ID, Apple Advertising ID, Hashed Phone, Hashed Email ID)


2. What are the different types of data governance labels AEP offers?
There are 3 type of data governance labels : Contract "C", Identity "I" and Sensitive "S".


3. What’s the difference between I2,I1 label?
I1 means - Directly identifiable data that can identify or contact a specific person, rather than a device.
I2 means - Indirectly identifiable data that can be used in combination with any other data to identify or contact a specific person.

4. How can you apply data governance label in AEP?
We can apply data governance labels while defining schema at the field level.
Select the schema -> Select field and click on Apply Access and Data Governance Label


5. If a customer decides that he don’t want his data to be stored in AEP and revokes his consent, what are the possible option for deleting the data?
We can use 2 methods :
1. Use DataLifecycle - Submit request for dataset deletion or record deletion in a particular dataset.
2. Use DataHygiene APIs - Submit request using API.


6. What are the possible data functions present in segment builder?
There are aggregate functions , count functions , logical functions in Segment Builder.


7. How can you delete web data stored in AEP after the data is not relevant anymore?
We can schedule the delete operation using DataLifecycle.


8. How can you delete anonymous profile that got created in AEP by accessing the website.
Pseudonymous Profile data expiration must be set in consultation with customer support.


9. When a profile enters and exits the segment, what’s the profile status that is visible in segment membership?
When a profile enters the segment it is marked as "Qualified".


10. Is it possible to do incremental load from a SFTP server?
Yes it is possible to do incremental load by enabling backfill. Backfill is a boolean value that determines what data is initially ingested. If backfill is enabled, all current files in the specified path will be ingested during the first scheduled ingestion. If backfill is disabled, only the files that are loaded in between the first run of ingestion and the start time will be ingested. Files loaded prior to start time will not be ingested