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[Mentor Abhinav Balooni] Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024



Hello Team,

Welcome to the Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentorship Program 2024! This is the featured Community Discussion/Contextual thread for your Adobe Real-Time CDP Community Mentor, Abhinav Balooni!

Abhinav will be your dedicated mentor, providing valuable support and guidance on your Adobe Real-Time CDP queries as you upskill yourself and prepare for Real-Time CDP certification throughout the program.

Know your Mentor Abhinav Balooni (aka @abhinavbalooni   )

Abhinav is a martech industry leader with more than a decade of experience across the entire Adobe stack, He is certified on all the Adobe tools and an Adobe SME for RT-CDP too. He is keen to grow mutually by exchange of ideas during the program. 

He is excited to add value to the program by enabling his peers to get certified in RT-CDP.

Aspirants mapped to Abhinav Balooni

1) Shashi Chennachar aka @shashi_c23 
2) Abhishek Agarwal aka @AbhishekAg2 
3) Carlos Rojas aka @crojasm 
4) Navin Agarwalla aka @nagarwalla 
5) Ashish Gandhi aka @ag0531 
6) Martin Liu aka @pengfeil3410424 
7) Jeeva Ravi aka @JeevaRavi 
Shruti Kulkarni  aka @shrutikulkarni 
9) Emmylou Jordan aka @emjordan 
10) Young Min Lee aka @yabc7 
11) Kartikay Sharma aka @kartikays313099 

How to participate in the program

  • Post your Questions in this thread to connect with your Mentor, Abhinav Balooni, and fellow Aspirant peers.
  • Stand a chance to win the ‘Most Engaging Aspirant’ recognition from your mentor by participating in a weekly quiz.
  • Test your knowledge by replying to the unresolved questions in the Real-Time CDP and AEP community and tag your Mentor to get recognized as an ‘Exceptional Contributor’ by your mentor.
  • Stick to the schedule to cover one module/week and clear Adobe Real-Time CDP Certification during the program: July 15 – Aug 30

Suggested Next Steps for Aspirants:

  • Update your Community Profile photo with your latest headshot to stand out to your Mentor and Peer Aspirants.
  • "Like" this thread to confirm your participation in the program.
  • Introduce yourself to Abhinav Balooni and your Aspirant peers by Replying to this Thread! Break the ice by introducing yourself (location, org/ company, etc.) and your experience with/ interest in Adobe DX stack. 
  • Post your Questions to this thread as you begin learning more about the Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform Developer Expert certification (Exam ID: AD0-E605)
  • Stick to schedule and ensure you track your progress in the exam prep guide.
  • Test your learning by replying to weekly quiz by your mentor
  • Practice the modules by replying to unresolved queries in the AEP community & RTCDP Community and tag your mentor. 

Remember that every post / like / comment you make in your contextual thread and the Real-time CDP Community throughout the program helps increase your chance to be recognized by your Mentor and win exclusive Adobe swag, so bring your best efforts!

We wish you all the best as you embark on this learning experience!

39 Replies


Level 2
  1. Union Schema combines multiple schemas enabled for Profile. It aggregates the fields of all schemas that share the same class (XDM ExperienceEvent and XDM Individual Profile) for that class type. This helps create a profile with an enriched richness and 360 view of interactions and attributes. It can be found under Customer > Profiles > Union Schema.
  2. An identity namespace is a category for a specific type of identifier (ID). It provides a context to the ID value and helps in differentiating various types of identities within a customer profile.  It also provides a way to organize and match IDs across data sources, governance rules and maintain data quality.
  3. Identities are used in different ways to stitch Customer Data from different sources and track customers across the different sources.
    Some of the other main functionalities it helps with are Cross-device tracking, Personalization (both for messaging and recommendations), Attribution, Segmentation , Consent and preferences management and lastly to remain compliant with all data norms.
  4. False. It is commonly defined as a string but the platform provides the capability to define identity fields as Boolean or Integer as well.
  5. Unlike Events, there are no standard field groups in experienceEvent and product schemas to capture eVars and Props. These can be captured in custom field groups (or reuse fields in the existing XDM schema), custom fields and populated by Data Elements.
  6. A profile fragment is a view of a customer based on a specific data source or interaction. It is one part of information of the larger customer profile across AEP. Many fragments together make a Unified Profile.
  7. Consent Attributes and preferences can be used while designing the schema and capturing data. Consent and preferences can be captured based on the level of detail by the brand and org / regulatory requirements. In Data Collection, only collect data from users who have explicitly granted consent. In segment definition, use the consent attributes like "Share Data" (Yes) to include only users who have consented.  
  8. The cardinality between a Customer and Cart Checkouts is one-to-many. The primary entities involved in this relationship are Customer ID (Login ID, Loyalty ID etc), Cart (product attributes, quantities, price) but would also need Checkout /Add to Cart (interaction type).
  9. One option is to add subscription data as attributes in the customer profile. This is simple and easy to work with during segmentation – using the active subscriptions attribute. In terms of cons, it would not be easy to manage the subscriptions and deletions. 
    Other option is to create a separate Subscription Entity. This can handle many subscriptions per customer more efficiently. Cons would be complexity in data modelling to use these subscriptions.
  10. The _id is a system-generated unique identifier that is generated for each record within a dataset. It is used for internal system management and referencing. It is not recommended to use as an identity.


Community Advisor

Hi All,


If you've still not looked into the exam guide, I am putting the module content links below for your easy reference. Feel free to check them out.


Real-Time Customer Profile Overview

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to drive coordinated, consistent, and relevant experiences for your customers regardless of their interaction with your brand. With Real-Time Customer Profile, you can see a holistic view of each customer by combining data from multiple channels, including online, offline, CRM, and third party. Profile allows you to consolidate customer data into a unified view, offering an actionable, timestamped account of every customer interaction. This overview will help you understand the role and use of Real-Time Customer Profile in the Experience Platform. 




Real-Time Customer Profile provides a centralized consumer profile for targeted and personalized experience management. Each profile contains data aggregated across all systems and includes actionable timestamped accounts of events involving the profile subject. These events may have occurred in any of the systems you use with Experience Platform.

Real-Time Customer Profile consumes schema-formatted data based on the XDM Individual Profile and XDM ExperienceEvent classes and responds to queries based on that data.




Working with nested data structures in Query Service 

Adobe Experience Platform Query Service supports the use of nested data fields. The complexity of enterprise data structures can complicate transforming or processing this data. This document provides examples of creating, processing or transforming datasets with complex data types, including nested data structures. 




Schema field groups endpoint 

Schema field groups are reusable components that define one or more fields that represent a particular concept, such as a person, a mailing address, or a web browser environment. Field groups are intended to be included as part of a schema that implements a compatible class, depending on the behavior of the data they represent (record or time series). The /fieldgroups endpoint in the Schema Registry API allows you to manage field groups within your experience application programmatically. 



Create an Adobe Analytics source connection in the UI 

This tutorial provides steps to create an Adobe Analytics source connection in the UI to bring the Adobe Analytics report suite data into the Adobe Experience Platform. 



XDM ExperienceEvent class 

XDM ExperienceEvent is a standard Experience Data Model (XDM) class. Use this class to create a timestamped snapshot of the system when a specific event occurs, or a particular set of conditions has been reached.

An Experience Event is a fact record of what occurred, including the point in time and identity of the individual involved. Events can be either explicit (directly observable human actions) or implicit (raised without a direct human action) and are recorded without aggregation or interpretation. For more high-level information on using this class in the Platform ecosystem, refer to the XDM overview




Consents and Preferences field group 

Consents and Preferences is a standard field group for the XDM Individual Profile class(opens in a new tab) that captures consent and preference information for an individual customer. 




Define XDM fields in the UI 

The Schema Editor in the Adobe Experience Platform user interface allows you to define your own fields within custom Experience Data Model (XDM) classes and schema field groups. This guide covers the steps for defining XDM fields in the UI, including the available configuration options for each field type. 




Define a one-to-one relationship between two schemas using the Schema Editor 

The ability to understand the relationships between your customers and their interactions with your brand across various channels is an integral part of the Adobe Experience Platform. Defining these relationships within the structure of your Experience Data Model (XDM) schemas allows you to gain complex insights into your customer data.

While schema relationships can be inferred through the union schema and Real-Time Customer Profile, this only applies to schemas that share the same class. To establish a relationship between two schemas belonging to different classes, a dedicated relationship field must be added to a source schema, which references the identity of the other related schema.




Best practices for data modeling 

Experience Data Model (XDM) is the core framework that standardizes customer experience data by providing common structures and definitions for use in downstream Adobe Experience Platform services. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation and used to gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences, and express customer attributes for personalization purposes. 




Convert your data model to XDM 

This video shows how data architects can take their existing transactional data model and convert it to an Experience Data Model. It shows the difference in modeling approaches using entity-relationship diagrams. For more information, please visit the best practices for data modeling documentation




I have also put quiz 2 in the comments for the above module. Feel free to attempt it and respond using the comments.





Community Advisor

Hi All !


Hope you are prepping well for the exam ?


I have seen responses from @AbhishekAg2 and @crojasm. Amazing work guys ! Will wait till Friday to post the responses from my end so that others can also chime in.


Below I am putting in the module 2 links and a brief summary from the prep guides for a quick reference for the ones who've not had a chance to go through it just yet.


Real-Time Customer Profile UI guide 

Real-Time Customer Profile creates a holistic view of each of your individual customers, combining data from multiple channels including online, offline, CRM, and third-party data. This document serves as a guide for interacting with Real-Time Customer Profile data in the Adobe Experience Platform user interface (UI). 



Merge policies UI guide 

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to bring data fragments together from multiple sources and combine them in order to see a complete view of each of your individual customers. When bringing this data together, merge policies are the rules that Platform uses to determine how data will be prioritized and what data will be combined to create the unified view.

Using RESTful APIs or the user interface, you can create new merge policies, manage existing policies, and set a default merge policy for your organization. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for working with merge policies using the Adobe Experience Platform user interface (UI).

To learn more about merge policies and they role they play within Experience Platform, please begin by reading the merge policies overview(opens in a new tab).


Entities endpoint (Profile access) 

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to access Real-Time Customer Profile data using RESTful APIs or the user interface. This guide outlines how to access entities, more commonly known as “profiles”, using the API. For more information on accessing profiles using the Platform UI, please refer to the Profile user guide. 



Identity stitching

Identity stitching (ID stitching) is the process of identifying data fragments and combining them together to form a complete profile record. To help illustrate the different stitching behaviors, consider a single customer who interacts with a brand using two different email addresses. 



Send partial row updates to Real-Time Customer Profile using Data Prep 

Streaming upserts in Data Prep allows you to send partial row updates to Real-Time Customer Profile data while also creating and establishing new identity links with a single API request.

By streaming upserts, you can retain the format of your data while translating that data to Real-Time Customer Profile PATCH requests during ingestion. Based on the inputs you provide, Data Prep allows you to send a single API payload and translate the data to both Real-Time Customer Profile PATCH and Identity Service CREATE requests.



Map identities 

In this lesson, we will create identity namespaces and add identity fields to our schemas. After doing so, we’ll also be able to complete the schema relationships from the previous lesson.

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service helps you to gain a better view of your customers and their behaviors by bridging identities across devices and systems, allowing you to deliver impactful, personal digital experiences in real-time. Identity fields and namespaces are the glue that joins different data sources together to build the 360-degree real-time customer profile.

Data Architects will need to map identities outside of this tutorial.


XDM System overview 

Standardization and interoperability are key concepts behind Adobe Experience Platform. Experience Data Model (XDM), driven by Adobe, is an effort to standardize customer experience data and define schemas for customer experience management.

XDM is a publicly documented specification designed to improve the power of digital experiences. It provides common structures and definitions that allow any application to use to communicate with Platform services. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation that can deliver insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and express customer attributes for personalization purposes.

XDM is the foundational framework that allows Adobe Experience Cloud, powered by Experience Platform, to deliver the right message to the right person, on the right channel, at exactly the right moment. The methodology on which Experience Platform is built, XDM System, operationalizes Experience Data Model schemas for use by Platform services.

Learn about the role of XDM System within Experience Platform


Identity namespace overview 

Learn more(opens in a new tab) about what you can do with identity namespaces in Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service. 


Profile entity composition

A Real-Time Customer Profile comprises a central entity, called the primary entity, and various supporting entities. In the context of the Experience Platform, the primary entity is typically a profile entity composed of traits, behaviors, and a person's audience membership. Other entities allow the segmentation engine to utilize data outside of the primary entity of the profile and include the following:

  • Dimensional entity: The entity that is used to simplify the data modeling process for information sharing across events or profile records. This is also known as the lookup entity or classification entity.
  • B2B entity: Entities that describe the profile’s relationship with business-to-business accounts and opportunities.

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)


Define a source and reference schema

For demonstration purposes, this tutorial creates a relationship between members of an organization’s loyalty program (defined in a “Loyalty Members” schema) and their favorite hotel (defined in a “Hotels” schema). 

Learn more.



To all the aspirants - make the most of these modules ! When I attempted the certifications, we needed to clear two exams to get certified as dev expert. That has now been reduced to 1 exam and with such structured modularized learning, you have a lot of options to learn from.


Happy Learning !






Community Advisor

Hi All,


Great responses from @AbhishekAg2 @shrutikulkarni and @crojasm on quiz 2 ! 

I am not going to post the responses for each of them as you all have pretty much nailed them !


I will just put the responses where I think there were different responses and I need to call out the right ones so that everyone is across those.


5. Which field group do you use to capture values in eVars and props when using web SDK ?

@AbhishekAg2 and @crojasm got this right. Others can refer to their response.


6. What is a profile fragment ?

@AbhishekAg2's answer here is a bit more aligned then the rest but the complete answer is as provided below right from the documentation (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/profile/home)


Each individual customer profile is composed of multiple profile fragments that have been merged to form a single view of that customer. For example, if a customer interacts with your brand across several channels, your organization will have multiple profile fragments related to that single customer appearing in multiple datasets. When these fragments are ingested into Platform, they are merged together in order to create a single profile for that customer.

In other words, profile fragments represent a unique primary identity and the corresponding record or event data for that ID within a given dataset.

When the data from multiple datasets conflicts (for example one fragment lists the customer as “single” while the other lists the customer as “married”) the merge policy determines which information to prioritize and include in the profile for the individual. Therefore, the total number of profile fragments within Platform is likely to always be higher than the total number of merged profiles, as each profile is typically composed of multiple fragments from multiple datasets.


9.  A company tracks active subscriptions for their customers, where one customer can have many subscriptions. The company also wants to include subscriptions for segmentation use cases, such as finding all users with active subscriptions.

In this scenario, the company has two potential options for representing a customer’s subscriptions in their data model. What are they and the pros and cons of each option?


The above question was a lift from the documentation to check if you are actually looking into the exam prep guide

Here's the detailed solution from the documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/xdm/schema/best-practices

Have a read !


Do let me know if you need any specific question answer and I would add more to the already correct responses. Please refer to the above question as these were a bit less detailed in your responses.


Will post Module 2 quiz in a separate post.





Community Advisor

Here's Quiz with a mix of bit of Module 1 and Module 2. These are more approach driven now.


RTCDP MP 24 | Weekly Quiz | Module 2 | Quiz 3


1. how many types of identities can you define in AEP ?

2. A national workout studio chain wants to ingest data that will enable them to see members across all locations. Some members will attend classes at multiple studios within the area and while traveling.

Field name, field description, sample data

MemberID: unique ID assigned to all members, RBS54321
StudioID: ID assigned to members to identify home studio, 756_RBS54321
Fname: first name, Rachael
Lname: last name, Smith
Email: email address, rachaelbsmith@gmail.com
Phone: 3338654545
AddID: unique address id based on member address elements, 123Mnst3AnytwnNC27455
Add1: address 1, 123 Main St
Add2: address 2, Apt 3
City: city, Anytown
State: state, NC
Zip: zip code, 27455
DOB: data of birth, 19820226
MemberStartDate: membership start date, 20210226
MembershipType: membership type, Elite
MemberStatus: membership status, Active
In the data set shown, what is the primary identity and the secondary identities for stitching profiles to other data sets?


3. An ecommerce business is designing their XDM Data Model in AEP. They use multiple forms to collect consumer information. Each form collects a different consumer ID. From a segmentation perspective, the business wants to make sure that the form submission is easily tracked to be used as an event. The data architect decides that same event type value will be used across all forms.

The data architect needs to decide how to best organize the XDM Schemas to track the different data attributes captured through the following forms:



Source: Adobe Experience Manager
Goal: Lead capturing
Consumer ID: Email

Source: Website
Goal: Capture Product Preferences
Consumer IDs Collected: Experience Cloud ID

Source: App
Goal: Customer NPS
Consumer IDs Collected: CRM ID and Advertising ID

Which solution should be used to model the data in AEP?


4. An administrator needs to ingest valid records of new batch data within a specified error threshold.

Which feature of AEP should be used to complete this task?


5. A data architect is tasked with modelling in AEP an ecommerce business that has the following data sources:


  1. CRMProfile: CRMID, Name, Address
  2. LoyaltyProfile: LoyaltyID, CRMID, Level, Points


3. OfflinePurchases: TimeStamp, LoyaltyID, SKU, Amount

4. OnlinePurchases: TimeStamp, CRMID, SKU, Amount


NON PERSON BASED DATA (To be used for Multi-Entity)

5. ProductCatalog: SKU, Description, Price


The data architect decides that each data source will become a different XDM schema.

What identities should the data architect select in each of the future XDM schemas?




Level 2

1.  Types of identities once can define in AEP:

  • Cookie ID: Identifies web browsers but decays fast over time.
  • Cross-Device ID: Ties together other IDs to identify an individual sensitively (e.g., login ID, CRM ID).
  • Device ID: Identifies hardware devices (e.g., IDFA, GAID) and can be shared by multiple people.
  • Email address: Identifies a person across channels and contains PII, requiring sensitive handling.
  • Non-people identifier: Used for storing identifiers not connected to a person (e.g., product SKU).
  • Partner ID: Used by data partners for pseudonymous representation and audience activation, not for identity graph linkages.
  • Phone number: Identifies a person across channels and contains PII, requiring sensitive handling.

2. Primary Identity : Member Id
Secondary Identity : Email, Phone, AddId, StudioId

3. Create an Experience Event schema to track form submissions with a consistent eventType for each form submit. The schema should capture the form source(AEM, Website, App) for differentiation and include other relevant form attributes. Mark secondary identities appropriately to ensure correct data stitching.

4. Need to enable partial ingestion and define the error threshold value while configuring the dataflow at the dataflow detail step.


  • CRMProfile Schema:

    • CRMID (Primary)
  • LoyaltyProfile Schema:

    • LoyaltyID (Primary)
    • CRMID (Secondary)
  • OfflinePurchases Schema:

    • LoyaltyID (Primary), SKUID(Secondary)
  • OnlinePurchases Schema:

    • CRMID (Primary), SKUID(Secondary)
  • ProductCatalog Schema:

    • SKUID (Primary)






1) Email - defining email adress as unified identifier.
CRM ID - Used for customer identifiers coming from loyalty systems.
Device ID - associated to a hardware device
Cookie ID - used to identify users across web navigation track.,
Custom Namespaces - for specific customer internal unique ids.
Partner IDs - data from partners representing individuals
Anonymous Visitor ID - Id assigned when a visitor lands on your website without logging in



MemberID is the best for the PI because it is unique and wont change over time.

Secondary Identities: Email, Phone, AddId, StudioId, they are often unique but can change over time if a member updates their email address, changes its phone number, has a new address, attends classes in a new studio.



The key here is the same event_type for all forms, having said this, the best approach create one base Schema for common attributes like even_type and timestamp and then specific field groups for each form with its attributes.

After that, you can create one event schema for tracking submissions, including the base schema and the field groups for each form. Data will be ingested in a single place, which allows easy tracking and the same event_type att across forms.


4) The feature name is Partial Ingestion, you can enable it in the dataflow definition and it allows you to define the error threshold %.



  1. CRMProfile: CRMID (Primary)
  2. LoyaltyProfile: LoyaltyID (Primary), CRMID (Secondary)
  3. OfflinePurchases: LoyaltyID (Primary)   
  4. OnlinePurchases: CRMID (Primary)
  5. ProductCatalog: SKU

(In both purchases, SKU is a trap :D, looks like an identity, however, it's not linking profiles or event data, just acting as an attribute to describe and enrich the purchased product)   







Level 2
  1.  Identities can be broadly classified into three categories: Person (CRMID, email, phone), Device (IDFA, GAID), and Cookie (ECID, AAID).
  • Cookie ID - Identifies web browsers for online activity (ECID, AAID).
  • Cross-device ID – Identifies an individual and their IDs in corresponding customer platforms (CRM ID, Loyalty ID, Login ID)
  • Email - Ingesting email addresses as an identity could merge graphs, since they may not be unique to a single person.
  • Phone number - Ingesting phone numbers as an identity could merge graphs, since they may not be unique to a single person.
  • Hardware device ID - Identifies hardware devices, such as IDFA (iPhone and iPad), GAID (Android).
  • Partner ID - IDs that are provided by data partners. These IDs usually represent people. (Identity graph not generated for this identity type) 
  • Non-people identifiers - IDs that are not connected to a person graph but require an identity, such as a product SKU. (Identity graphs not generated for this identity type)


Primary Identity - Member ID (will be necessary and most unique values across all data)
Secondary Identities - Email, Phone, AddID, StudioID (Not unique, but will help stitch data from multiple studios to one profile)



 If the event_type is value is common across, one Experience Event schema with the common eventType can be created.

All fields from each form will be a part of the schema, including the consumer IDs (atleast marked secondary) and Form Names (to indicate source of the form data).  



 The feature is called ‘Enable Partial Ingestion’. It can be toggled ON at these places:
- When you are in the Dataflow detail (during create a new connection)
- In an existing dataset, on the sidebar of the ‘dataset activity’.
- Using the “Map CSV to XDM schema” flow, in the ‘Add data’ step
The error threshold value by default, is set to 5%. This can be changed to manage error records.



PROFILE schemas – ID :

  1. CRM : CRMID (Primary)
  2. Loyalty : LoyaltyID (Primary). CRMID (Secondary)

EVENT schemas – ID:

  1. OfflinePurchases: LoyaltyID (primary)
  2. OnlinePurchases: CRMID (primary)


  1. ProductCatalog: SKU number (secondary)


Community Advisor

Hi All,


Here's the quiz for Module 3. 


RTCDP MP 24 | Weekly Quiz | Module 3 | Quiz 4


1. Which method is used to update a dataflow using an API endpoint?


2. A data architect is building a XDM schema with no additional field groups.

Which action is required before enabling the schema for Real-time Customer Profile?

A) Add one or more profile-compatible data types
B) Mark one schema field as a primary identity
C) Define the schema as a profile union schema
D) Classify the schema as XDM Individual Profile

3. A data engineer is required to use AEP Intelligent Services (Attribution and Customer AI).

Which XDM Field Group should the data engineer use?

A) Experience Event - Proposition Reference
B) Segment Definition
C) Adobe Delivery Feedback Events
D) Consumer ExperienceEvent


4. When querying historical data and writing results into a new dataset, some rows failed because they contained null values for a mandatory field of a schema. What could be a probable reason for this result?

A) Setting a previously optional field as mandatory field
B) Disabling the schema from participating in Profile
C) Setting a previously mandatory field as optional field


5. Which scheduling frequency is the default setting when creating a new dataflow?

A) Hour
B) Day
C) Once
D) Week

6. What is the minimum accepted interval value for a frequency set to 'Minute'?

A) 5
B) 15
C) 30
D) 60


7.What does enabling the 'Backfill' option do during a scheduled ingestion?

A) It prevents historical data from being ingested.
B) It only ingests data from the current day.
C) It ingests all current files in the specified path during the first scheduled ingestion.
D) It only ingests files loaded after the first run.


8. Which timezone must the 'Load incremental data by' field's date-time values be in?



9. What should be reviewed before finalizing the creation of a dataflow?

A) Connection and Assign dataset & map fields
B) Scheduling
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above


10. Which file formats are supported for batch data ingestion from cloud storage in Adobe Experience Platform?

B) DSV, JSON, Apache Parquet
D) Excel, JSON, CSV

11. What must be done before selecting a folder to ingest files from a cloud storage source?

A) Select a schema
B) Configure a dataflow
C) Explore your cloud storage file hierarchy
D) Enable real-time data ingestion

12. What happens if the backfill option is enabled during ingestion?

A) Only new files are ingested
B) Historical data is ingested during the first scheduled ingestion
C) Data is ingested incrementally
D) Ingestion is paused until further action


13. Which option allows you to configure detailed error message generation in a dataflow?

A) Partial ingestion
B) Error diagnostics
C) Schema mapping
D) Profile dataset toggle


14. What should be done in the final step before creating a dataflow?

A) Select the data format
B) Schedule the ingestion
C) Review the dataflow details
D) Enable alerts


Will be posting correct responses to the last quiz tomorrow along with the links for the next module.





Level 2

1. c-PATCH
2. b-Mark one schema field as a primary identity
3. d-Consumer ExperienceEvent
4. a-Setting a previously optional field as mandatory field
5. c-Once
6. b-15 Minutes
7. c-It ingests all current files in the specified path during the first scheduled ingestion.
8. c-UTC
9. c-Both A & B
10. b-DSV, JSON and Apache Parquet
11. c-Explore your cloud storage file hierarchy
12. b-Historical data is ingested during the first scheduled ingestion
13. b-Error diagnostics
14. c-Review the dataflow details


Level 2

1 - B) POST

2 - B) Mark one schema field as a primary identity

3 - D) Consumer ExperienceEvent

4 - A) Setting a previously optional field as mandatory field

5 - C) Once
6 - B) 15 Minutes

7 - D) It only ingests files loaded after the first run.

8 - C) UTC

9 - C) Both A & B

10 - B) DSV, JSON, Apache Parquet

11 - C) Explore your cloud storage file hierarchy

12 - B) Historical data is ingested during the first scheduled ingestion

13 - B) Error diagnostics

14 - C) Review the dataflow details



Level 1
  1. C) PATCH
  2. B) Mark one schema field as a primary identity
  3. D) Consumer ExperienceEvent
  4. A) Setting a previously optional field as mandatory field 
  1. C) Once
  2.  B) 15
    C) 30
  3. C) It ingests all current files in the specified path during the first scheduled ingestion.
  4. C) UTC
  5.  C) Both A & B
  6. B) DSV, JSON, Apache Parquet
  7. C) Explore your cloud storage file hierarchy
  8. B) Historical data is ingested during the first scheduled ingestion
  9. B) Error diagnostics
  10. C) Review the dataflow details


Level 2
  1. C) PATCH
  2. B) Mark one schema field as a primary identity
  3. D) Consumer ExperienceEvent
  4. A) Setting a previously optional field as mandatory field 
  1. C) Once
  2.  B) 15
    C) 30
  3. C) It ingests all current files in the specified path during the first scheduled ingestion.
  4. C) UTC
  5.  C) Both A & B
  6. B) DSV, JSON, Apache Parquet
  7. C) Explore your cloud storage file hierarchy
  8. B) Historical data is ingested during the first scheduled ingestion
  9. B) Error diagnostics
  10. C) Review the dataflow details
    Sorry the earlier post reply came through one of my different account profiles. 


Community Advisor

Hi All,


Please find the link below to avail 50% off on the Adobe certification voucher.


  1. 50% waive-off vouchers - Here is the 50% waive-off voucher form Form would be open to take responses from comes with a start date(Aug 11, 2024) to an End date(Aug 19, 2024). 





Community Advisor

Hi All,


As you inch closer to the certification date, you can look at the sample practice tests available for RTCDP on this link: https://adobe.gmetrix.net/Tests/ChooseTest.aspx


This is an official Adobe certmetrics link and gives a great Idea of what to expect in the real exam !


Have a look at the questions and please go ahead and ask any queries you might have.

I have just seen @AbhishekAg2 @Crojasm77 and @shrutikulkarni participating. Would be great if others have any queries that they need help with.


All the best with the prep !

Posting the quiz for this week's module in another post.





Community Advisor

Hi All,


Here's the quiz for Module 4. 


RTCDP MP 24 | Weekly Quiz | Module 4 | Quiz 5


  1. What is the primary function of Adobe Experience Platform's Segment Match service?
    • a) Creating personalized content
    • b) Exchanging segment data securely between users
    • c) Analyzing customer behavior
    • d) Optimizing web page performance
  2. Which of the following is NOT a supported identity namespace in Segment Match?
    • a) Emails (SHA256, lowercased)
    • b) Apple IDFA
    • c) Google Ad ID
    • d) Social Security Numbers
  3. What is the default consent configuration for Segment Match?
    • a) Opt-in
    • b) Opt-out
    • c) Opt-neutral
    • d) No consent required
  4. What label is used to prevent data from being shared in Segment Match?
    • a) PII
    • b) C11
    • c) D15
    • d) GDPR
  5. What is required for a partner connection in Segment Match to be established?
    • a) A one-way handshake
    • b) A two-way handshake
    • c) An email invitation
    • d) A shared secret key
  6. What is the purpose of merge policies in Adobe Experience Platform?

    • a) To analyze customer profiles
    • b) To prioritize and combine data fragments from multiple sources
    • c) To create marketing campaigns
    • d) To export data for analysis
  7. What happens when the "Private graph" identity stitching option is selected?

    • a) Multiple identities for the same individual are merged
    • b) All profiles remain separate
    • c) Data is deleted if conflicting
    • d) No profile is created
  8. In Adobe Experience Platform, what is the role of a merge policy when performing segmentation across multiple datasets?
    • a) To prioritize the order of data fragments during the merge process based on user-specified rules
    • b) To segment audiences by the frequency of customer engagement
    • c) To compare datasets from different time periods before merging
    • d) To export merged profiles directly into marketing platforms
  9. What benefit does multi-dimensional segmentation provide when working with nested datasets in Adobe Experience Platform?
    • a) It allows for time-based segmentation rules to create dynamic audience lists
    • b) It enables segmentation to occur across multiple identity graphs in real-time
    • c) It allows relationships to be built between hierarchical datasets, like customer orders and item details, for more granular audience insights
    • d) It automatically updates user preferences across all linked datasets without manual intervention


Level 2

1. b) Exchanging segment data securely between users

2. d) Social Security Numbers

3. b) Opt-out

4. b) C11

5. b) A two-way handshake

6. b) To prioritize and combine data fragments from multiple sources

7. a) Multiple identities for the same individual are merged

8. a) To prioritize the order of data fragments during the merge process based on user-specified rules

9. c) It allows relationships to be built between hierarchical datasets, like customer orders and item details, for more granular audience insights


Community Advisor

Here's more details around Module 4 (Segmentation) if you've not been able to go through the exam prep guide yet.


Segmentation Service overview 

Adobe Experience Platform Segmentation Service provides a user interface and RESTful API that allows you to create audiences through segment definitions or other sources from your Real-Time Customer Profile data. These audiences are centrally configured and maintained on the Platform and are readily accessible by any Adobe solution.

This document provides an overview of the Segmentation Service and its role in the Adobe Experience Platform.

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)

Segment Builder UI guide 

Segment Builder provides a rich workspace to interact with Profile data elements. The workspace provides intuitive controls for building and editing rules, such as drag-and-drop tiles used to represent data properties. 

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)

Aggregation functions

An aggregation in Segment Builder is a calculation on a group of XDM attributes whose data type is a number (either a double or an integer). The four supported aggregation functions within Segment Builder are SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX. 

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)

Evaluate events in near real-time with streaming segmentation 

Streaming segmentation on the Adobe Experience Platform allows customers to do segmentation in near real-time while focusing on data richness. With streaming segmentation, segment qualification now happens as streaming data lands into the Platform, alleviating the need to schedule and run segmentation jobs. With this capability, most segment rules can now be evaluated as the data is passed into Platform, meaning segment membership will be kept up-to-date without running scheduled segmentation jobs. 

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)


Merge policies UI guide 

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to combine data fragments from multiple sources to see a complete view of each of your customers. When bringing this data together, merge policies are the rules that the Platform uses to determine how data will be prioritized and what data will be combined to create a unified view.

Using RESTful APIs or the user interface, you can create new merge policies, manage existing policies, and set a default merge policy for your organization. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for working with merge policies using the Adobe Experience Platform user interface (UI).

To learn more about merge policies and their role within Experience Platform, please begin by reading the merge policies overview(opens in a new tab).

Learn more(opens in a new tab) about several important Experience Platform features.

Streaming segmentation 

Streaming segmentation on the Adobe Experience Platform allows customers to do segmentation in near real-time while focusing on data richness. With streaming segmentation, segment qualification now happens as streaming data lands into the Platform, alleviating the need to schedule and run segmentation jobs. With this capability, most segment rules can now be evaluated as the data is passed into Platform, meaning segment membership will be kept up-to-date without running scheduled segmentation jobs. 

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)

Edge segmentation UI guide 

Edge segmentation is the ability to evaluate segments in the Adobe Experience Platform instantaneously on Edge, enabling same-page and next-page personalization use cases. 

Learn more about this topic.(opens in a new tab)

Segment Match overview 

Adobe Experience Platform Segment Match is a segment-sharing service that allows two or more Platform users to exchange segment data in a secure, governed, and privacy-friendly manner. Segment Match uses Platform privacy standards and personal identifiers such as hashed emails, hashed phone numbers, and device identifiers like IDFAs and GAIDs.

With Segment Match, you can:

  • Manage the identity overlap process.
  • View pre-share estimates.
  • Apply data usage labels to control whether data can be shared with partners.
  • Maintain shared audience lifecycle management after publishing a feed and continue a dynamic data exchange through abilities to add, delete, and unshare.

Learn more


Multi-entity segmentation overview 

Multi-entity segmentation is an advanced feature available as part of Adobe Experience Platform Segmentation Service. This feature enables you to extend Real-Time Customer Profile data with additional “non-people” data (also known as “dimension entities”) that your organization may define, such as data related to products or stores. Multi-entity segmentation provides flexibility when defining segment definitions based on data relevant to your unique business needs and can be performed without having expertise in querying databases. With multi-entity segmentation, you can add key data to your segment definitions without having to make costly changes to data streams or wait for a back-end data merge. 

Learn more.


Azure Event Hubs connection 

Azure Event Hubs is a big data streaming platform and event ingestion service. It can receive and process millions of events per second. Data sent to an event hub can be transformed and stored by using any real-time analytics provider or batching/storage adapters.

You can create a real-time outbound connection to your Azure Event Hubs storage to stream data from Adobe Experience Platform.

Learn more.(opens in a new tab)

Amazon S3 connection 

Connect to your Amazon S3 storage through API or UI

Learn more about this topic.(opens in a new tab)

Activate audiences to batch profile export destinations 

Learn more(opens in a new tab) about the workflow required to activate audiences in Adobe Experience Platform to batch profile file-based destinations, such as cloud storage and email marketing destinations.




Community Advisor

Hi All,

As we draw this program to a close soon. Here's a feedback form link.


Feel free to provide feedback for the program to be improved.




