Hi there. I am hoping someone can help me.
I've been using Postman API software to create API scripts to create CJA Dataviews. I was able to create a script that creates a new data view and now I'm working on an API script that will set and configure the dimensions within the newly created dataview.
I was able to use my chrome browser's console network tab to see how the GUI formats it's "body" scripts so I don't believe the issue is with my body statement (but I could be wrong)
This is the error message I'm getting:
{"errorCode":"invalid_json_input","errorDescription":"Invalid JSON. At least one field format is not recognized or cannot be parsed. - Error caused by exceptionMessage=state should be: hexString has 24 characters","errorId":"74617b17-676d-4b71-9d17-8664a448b6aa"}
it references "exceptionMessage=state should be: hexString" - which i interrupt as there is an issue with the variable called "state" and it's improperly formatted.
The issue, is my API script doesn't include a variable called 'state'.
The body of my request looks like this:
{ "name": "Identifier", "description": "A unique identifier for the time-series event.", "labels": [], "isDeleted": false, "hideFromReporting": false, "id": "variables/_id", "sourceFieldId": "_id", "includeExcludeSetting": { "enabled": false }, "noValueOptionsSetting": { "noneSettingType": "show-no-value", "customNoneValue": "No value" }, "substringSetting": { "enabled": false } }
again, I pulled this directly from the GUI - it's the same JSON format with the exact same variables.
Can anyone help me resolve this? The Dataview API documentation -https://developer.adobe.com/cja-apis/docs/endpoints/dataviews/ - also doesn't reference a variable called "state" at all, so there is no reason to believe that 'state' would be a required variable in the body or header or query parameter.
Thanks so much for anyone that has any experience with APIs and or the Dataview API.
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@Kumar_Saurabh_ @Prateek-Garg @pradnya_balvir @arpan-garg @ReenaJohn @brekrut Curious to hear SMEs perspectives on this question. Do you all mind sharing your thoughts?
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Hello @jlinhardt_blueAcorn
I am reviewed your question, but can you please clarify what method are you attempting to use with a dimension?
The reason for my question is because the documented methods for a dimension are listed as /GET at this time.