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Ability to create segments based on rolling current timestamp with BEFORE and AFTER clause in Audience Builder UI


Level 3


Description -

Why is this feature important to you - 

In. last 3/4 years of working with various use cases I have delt with, a very common use case I came across is creating segment using some date field where the audience building criteria is:

  • date is before current timestamp
  • date is after current timestamp


For last 3/4 years, I have been handling this type of requests/requirements

  • using data distiller Query Service Only 


  • have an additional field "status" and requesting data source to derive and set the value or adding computed field mapping in the dataflow during ingestion 


All these options create an additional complexity. As users of AEP is mainly expected to be marketers, I think for this type of simple use cases, reaching out to IT team pushes the capability AEP in bad place - I have seen people raising eyebrows. 


There are so many features getting added in AEP every month. Can't we expect an enhancement in AEP Audience Builder UI to be able to do this using Audience Builder UI only? This will make it more powerful to position.


With the existing capability of AEP, I am able to create the segment with the above criteria using PQL and API. But enabling the Current Timestamp as TIME option after the DIRECTION (BEFORE and AFTER) would be a great enhancement for AEP.  


How would you like the feature to work - Bring the Current Timestamp option after the DIRECTION (BEFORE and AFTER) in the Audience Builder UI.

Current Behaviour - Currently there is no option in Audience Builder UI to select current timestamp when we select "BEFORE" or "AFTER" for a date/datetime field.


Note: A question was raised and we discussed about the existing capability in this URL: 



@DavidRoss91 @PratheepArunRaj 

1 Comment


Level 4


Seconded for this ehnancement request! There are many use cases in which we want to trigger off an experience X days away from Y time that we capture. This would allow us to do this much easier, and would get rid of the need to use a calculated attribute to supplment the experience.