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Presenting Personalized CRM offers with Adobe Stack on the website


Level 3


Company Name: Vodafone Turkey

Company URL: www.vodafone.com.tr

Your Name: Selen Kavraal

Your Title: Martech Manager


Describe your company, the customer experience and business challenge(s) you set out to solve with Adobe Experience Cloud products, and how long your company/organization has been using Adobe Experience Cloud products.


One of the world's largest technology communication company, Vodafone Turkey - a subsidiary of Vodafone Group, offers all telecommunication technologies including fixed, mobile and content services to individuals and organizations under a single roof with its vision of "building a digital future for everyone". Vodafone customers frequently visit the Vodafone website, which has approximately 15M monthly visitors, and look for innovations. Many campaigns present consequently visitors make subscription transactions on our website.


As Vodafone Turkey, we wanted to achieve our digitalization goals by enriching our website with special offers for customers. 


It was very difficult for our customers to see their personalized offers on our website. The rate of customers purchasing their offers was quite low in the areas where they could see them. When we wanted to show the tariff offers fed from our CRM systems on different pages, high development costs were incurred so we could not conduct A/B tests on these offers and areas easily.


We wanted to increase the conversion rates of our Vodafone base customers who visited our website by showing their personalized offers on every page we wanted, with low development costs and A/B tests.


Describe how you have integrated and used multiple Adobe Experience Cloud products to solve these challenges to improve and personalize the customer experience/journey. Please provide information that will be helpful in understanding your integration (e.g. architecture diagram, step by step process integration flow, etc.).


 By using Adobe Target, Adobe Analytics and Adobe Audience Manager, we combined our CRM product Pega - which decides which tariff is more suitable for our customers among all tariffs within Vodafone Turkey - with Adobe Target product which enables to segment our customers according to their behaviors and conduct A/B tests on our website. With the help of Tealium Tag Manager, we received customer-specific offers from Pega along with their content. Thanks to the flexibility provided by Adobe Target, we were able to present these offers on our different pages using various components such as banners, popups and sticky bars. Thus, by combining the strengths of our two products, we were able to show our customers the most suitable offers with the most suitable content in the most suitable area of our website with the least effort through A/B tests. We can track conversion rates by reporting our A/B tests with our website measurement product Adobe Analytics.




We have a CRM tool called Pega to make smart data-driven decisions on the best tariff for customers.


We have Adobe Target to segment our customers based on their behavior and run A/B tests. We use Adobe Analytics to get campaign results and online behavior tracking and Adobe Audience Manager to create marketable segments, and serve targeted advertising and content to the right audience.


We also have Tealium Tag Manager, which is used as a data bridge. Tealium is managed by marketing teams, so it gives us extra flexibility for possible future integrations.


We used Pega to determine the best offer for each customer.

  • With the API integration in Tealium, we received the personalized offers determined by Pega and sent them to Adobe Target.
  • With Adobe Target, we presented the offers to our different pages in various ways such as banner, popup and sticky bars.
  • Targeting enriched with rich Adobe Audience Manager data segmentation capability.



With this integration, we can show our customers their personalized offers with the most appropriate content, with minimum effort and in the most appropriate area of our website.

  • We tracked conversion rates using Adobe Analytics, our Digital Analytics tool.



 Implementation Approach


      Step1. Capture Pega offers for each customer on Tealium Tag Manager

To get Pega offers for each customer, an extentions should be created or updated on Tealium Tag Manager.

Each offer should be captured for each customer by using session ID which is created for each logged-in phone number once per entrance on website.

We call Pega to get the response for customer offer details.

By using specific Ids (that captured from Pega call response), Adobe Target captures the related response and fill the related Pega offers on campaign experience.

You can see the related integration sequence diagram as below.




      Step2.  Create an Activity in Adobe Target

We create new Adobe Target experience which will enriched by Pega offers to all customers that matches with related target audience.

Several experiences and different experiences can be created for each offer ID (interaction_id). Also Interaction id can be enriched with behavioral data via Adobe Audience Manager. Target audience can differentiate in this step of the integration by using Adobe Audience Manager highly rich segmentation capability.

Related Adobe Target campaign sample is showed as below.



        Step3. Create Related Audience on Adobe Audience Manager


To target related audience, Adobe Audience Manager is used to get the right segment. Adobe Audience Manager is consist from CRM, Pega, Big Data and Online behavior data. To target the related audience for Pega offers, AAM helps us to get the right segment for related Pega offer.




        Step4. Set Adobe Analytics Reporting Dimentions


Adobe Analytics eVars that created to capture campaign details should be filled on Adobe Target campaign details (HTML content)




To monitor all details of campaign, new Adobe Analytics report should be created as below. Analytics for Target (A4T) is used to get the related Target campaign details on Analytics.




        Step5. Present Personalized Campaign on website

Finally, when a customer logs in to our website with the targeted phone number which they used for interacting with Pega offer enrichment, they will see a new offer displayed on the home page as below.


Related experience is shown on website as “hero banner” or “toaster” according to HTML content that created on Adobe Target content creation component.




You can also see the customer funnel details with Pega enriched journey.



Based on your successful use and integration of multiple Adobe Experience Cloud products, describe how it has transformed the customer experience/journey, and the value, business impact, and results your company/organization has realized. Please cite both qualitative and quantitative results as applicable.

The capability enables to run easily a campaign with enriched target audience by using Pega and Adobe Audience Manager with Pega offers. There is no development effort on any stage of the campaign creation. All business leads can be create and run A/B tests to get higher CR on website.


Delivering personalized offers in real-time in 2 different areas led to a consistent uplift. Vodafone com.tr homepage banner has 40% higher purchase rate (42% CTR)


The toaster banner on the Logged-in area, homepage has 11 times higher click-through rates and 78% higher purchase rates for personalized offers.


In this story, we shared how we achieved multi-channel integration to get highly personalized offers and targeted audience with Adobe Target, Adobe Analytics and Adobe Audience Manager.

Elevate Analytics Audience Manager Target