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IoT Integrated Pharma - Avenues for personalized services and more


Level 3


Company Name: NextRow Digital 

Company URL: https://www.nextrow.com  

Name: Bhagyashree Das 

Title: Sr. Adobe Analytics Developer 

Our Company: NextRow Digital is a new age digital agency that specializes in marketing cloud and technology implementations. Building right Digital strategy is key for successful MarTech implementation. Combining over a decade of experience with a flexible and collaborative approach, NextRow Digital helps clients meet their business needs successfully to overcome the challenges of digital transformation. 

Customer Experience: Medications these days are getting more complicated, personalized and expensive. Hence, Pharmaceutical industries are no longer restricting themselves to just delivering medications, storage and distribution, rather going many steps ahead of the traditional boundary by 

  1. Tracking the biologic usage according to the prescription 
  2. Providing answers to prescribed treatments 
  3. Educating patients and ensuring appropriate medication usage 
  4. Promoting adherence to the medication 
  5. Assigning dedicated Nurse Ambassadors to help get started and stay on track with prescribed treatment plan 

Business Challenges: Considering the trend, by 2026, the number of internet of things (IoT) mobile connections worldwide will more than double from 2021. Furthermore, to meet the growing needs of knowing your customer well, pharma industries are continuously looking for a collaboration between medication data and customer health and activity data from various medical or non-medical smart devices. However, there is a disconnect still persisting as the data from various smart devices are still sitting in silos, being underused and hindering many personalized services. 

Our Business Solution:  In order to bridge the gap between customer digital data and connected device data, we have come up with IoT Integration solution through which pharmaceutical industries are no more limiting themselves to digital data, rather combining it with smart IoT devices data to understand customer behavior and activities better. This Integrating has brought them up a step closer to their customers and has opened up many avenues for personalized services such as: 

  1. Effective remote patient monitoring 
  2. Recommending the next best course of action in case of emergencies. 
  3. Sending precise instructions for medication dosage and patient care 
  4. Promoting adherence to the specific line of medication 
  5. Personalized medication plans and tracking 

Describe how you have integrated and used multiple Adobe Experience Cloud products to solve these challenges to improve and personalize the customer experience/journey. Please provide information that will be helpful in understanding your integration (e.g., architecture diagram, step by step process integration flow, etc.). 

Adobe Experience Cloud Products: We have built an extensive solution which is an innovative integration of customer digital data and IoT device data powered by Adobe Experience Platform including integrations across Experience Cloud Products below:  

  1. Adobe Experience Platform RT-CDP (AEP RT-CDP) 
  2. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) 
  3. Adobe Journey Optimizer (AJO) 
  4. Adobe Target 
  5. Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection 

Architecture Diagram: 


Steps for Implementation & Integrations: 

  1. Create schemas & datasets for the sources: Website, Mobile App and IoT device. 
  2. Plan and implement identities for the sources mentioned above. 
  3. Implement data collection for Website and Mobile app using Adobe Data Collection: AEP Web and Mobile SDK (v5) respectively. 
  4. After the authentication and consent with the patient from the app, connect IoT device data using AEP’s streaming HTTP data source to receive customer health and activity data.  
  5. Validate the data ingestion for the datasets.  
  6. Enable datasets for Real-time Customer Profile.  
  7. Create the necessary segments in AEP using Segmentation Service.  
  8. Activate the segments to Adobe Target, and Call centre (profile API) using Adobe Journey Optimizer + AEP RT-CDP Destinations. 
  9. Build experiences in Adobe Target to deliver the website personalization, Adobe Journey Optimizer for push notifications and reminders on Website and Mobile App and Steaming APIs for Call centre services. 

Screengrabs on Implementation & Integration:   

AEP Schemas: 


AEP Datasets: 


Data Source: 


AEP Activation: 

Bhagyashree_D_4-1664588763389.pngBased on your successful use and integration of multiple Adobe Experience Cloud products, describe how it has transformed the customer experience/journey, and the value, business impact, and results your company/organization has realized (qualitative and quantitative). 

A customer who is diagnosed with a condition that needs regular intervention when his blood pressure is off, has a medication assistive application from a Pharma company. Below are the experiences before and after IoT integration: 

Customer Experience Before IoT Integration: 

  1. No immediate medication alert from the mobile app when there is any abnormal reading detected on his smart BP monitoring device. 
  2. No personalized recommendation or reminders to be on track of the medication. 
  3. No scope for immediate intervention of nurse ambassadors in case of emergency. 

Enhanced Customer Experience After IoT Integration:  

Step 1: A smart BP monitor is configured with the existing application with customer’s consent and links the machine generated data to his profile. 


Step 2: The IoT device, BP Monitor detects the abnormal reading and sends an event to AEP, which triggers Adobe Journey Optimizer and push notifications. 



Step 3: The notification sent on the application shows the next course of action which could be an increased dose or injection for immediate effect. 


Step 4: Then the user gets a precise interactive instruction for medication based on his integrated profile using the Smart BP tracker and CRM data like age & demographics. 

Step 5: If the user drops off from any instruction phase and the funnel is incomplete, that would trigger Adobe Journey Optimizer and notification to prompt the intervention of the assigned nurse ambassador. 


Step 6: The nurse ambassador calls the user with the updated profile information with the details of the previous abnormal BP readings, completed and incomplete actions and instructions followed by the user to decide the immediate action. 


Business Benefits:  

  1. Data driven medication reminders and promotions are provided. 
  2. Recommending the next best course of action for patients in real-time, based on their profile, activities and behavior on multiple channels. 
  3. Better customer satisfaction is achieved by understanding the customer's need through various smart devices. 

Business Results:  

  1. Customer Acquisition: Significant increase in the number of customers due to the enhanced features available in the application due to smart device integration. 
  2. Engagement: Enhanced customer engagement across the application due to the easily available recommended contents and instruction sets. 
  3. Conversion: Increased medicine and medical device purchases due to readily available in-app support system and instruction steps. 
  4. Customer Retention: Improved customer satisfaction through personalized services, thereby building a more loyal customer base. 
Amplify Experience Manager Experience Platform Journey Optimizer Real-Time CDP Target