Hi Fellow Community Members,
I tried extracting the s_vi Cookie value from our webpages using "s.Util.cookieRead('s_vi')" into Dev Console but I see empty results. Upon looking into the Cookies on the webpage, I can see 3 s_vi_* Cookies i.e. having a key value like "s_vi_sx7Fhx7Cax60dawgx7Fsx7Bx7Cbx60x7Dv" and value as "[CS]v4|2F46411F0515933C-40000B5502212790|5E8C8268[CE]". I also tried extracting the value of 'mid' and 's_fid' Cookies using the above function but all returned empty result.
I am listing down my questions below related to this issue.
1. Why are there 3 s_vi_XXX cookies on our webpages? Is this correct and expected behaviour for a particular website?
2. What is the meaning of the suffix in the above Cookies i.e. XXX part in s_vi_XXX Cookies?
3. In the value of s_vi_XXX Cookies, which part of the string represents the Adobe Analytics Visitor Id that we can use in our systems?
4. How can we extract only the Adobe Visitor Id from this s_vi_XXX Cookie?
5. How can I enable and extract values of s_mid and s_fid for our webpages? If they are missing for not being configured, how can I configure them?
6. In Data Feeds, we receive a combination of visid_high and visid_low as visitor ID. How is the id mapped to the s_vi_XXX Cookie we have on our webpages?
I would be grateful if anybody has come across these question and been able to figure out the appropriate solution.