We've created several offers and placements for our offers.
We've confirmed that the test profiles and segments, and decision criteria all work - and the offer appears as expected in the Offer Simulator when testing with either the Placement we've created with type = Image, as well as with the Placement we created whose type = HTML...
We've confirmed that the dates are all aligned with our tests (today - through the end of the month)...
However, there appears to not be any way to wrap the Image Placement in an anchor tag?
Alternatively we've tried utilizing the image radio button within the HTML offer type, but there doesn't appear to be a way to hyperlink this.
Also - When we move the offer to the HTML Placement... the offer image appears in the Email Designer (all of these are in the Email channel), but not within the simulator or our test proof sends (to our inbox).
I've double checked we have approved all of our assets and offers... it simply does not show up in the simulator or proofing.
The container HTML for the offer is present in the final proof (within our inbox), but the contents are missing.