Hi Everyone,
I am trying to get an Angular-based SPA working in Visual Experience Composer. The application has the following in targetGlobalSettings:
cookieDomain: <domain here>,
viewsEnabled: true,
pageLoadEnabled: true
The application uses AEP Data Collection (Adobe Launch) to load Target and initiate adobe.target.triggerView(<view_name>);
This works fine when I open the application in the browser: the personalization IS applied for the appropriate view.
However, when I open the application in VEC, it displays the "Current view" element in about 10% of occurrences, most of the time "Current View" is not displayed.
I am using "Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper" extension, I am not using the Enahnced Composer. When I check in the console what targetGlobalSettings contains, I see {cookieDomain: <domain here>, viewsEnabled: true, pageLoadEnabled: true }.
When I try to trigger adobe.target.triggerView('home') from the console, "Current View" item does not appear.
Can anyone suggest what the root cause may be?
Solved! Go to Solution.
It turns out that it was "Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper" extension that prevented setting the current view. I disabled the extension and added "frame-ancestors" directive to the CSP header, and it now works.
It turns out that it was "Adobe Experience Cloud Visual Editing Helper" extension that prevented setting the current view. I disabled the extension and added "frame-ancestors" directive to the CSP header, and it now works.
Can you explain this step wise how you do this?
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Hi @piyushvidhate ,
The extension is disabled in the browser.
"frame-ancestors" directive is configured by the application team on the web server side.
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Hi @Dmytro_Panchenk,
Thanks for the solution.
I applied below steps showing in screenshot then I can get view name in mozila browser but still not in chrome browser.
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