I am testing a new experience for our logged-in section. When a customer logs in, 10% of traffic is going to see a new version of the homepage. I am setting up the test to redirect to new URL which is all good. However, the customer can opt to navigate to the control version of the homepage. I'm concerned that if they try to do that, the redirect will come into play again. Is there a way to use a profile script to ensure the customer only sees the test version once per session?
Thanks in advance...profile scripts are my Kryptonite!
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Yes exactly, so if it's possible you could add a query string parameter to the link URL that "back to portal" refers to. So instead of "www.home.com" it links to "www.home.com?btp" , for example; you could then have a profile script like
And an Audience of
You could then apply that Audience to your test, which would exclude anyone from the test that had clicked the "Back to portal" link
So just to check my understanding, if they have chosen to navigate to the control version in session 1, you would then want them to be re-directed to the new URL again if they log in during session 2?
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Yeah, so...customer is in the test 10%, they see the test page, but in that same session they want to see the original page too so use the nav to go there. Will the test set-up allow them to see the original page, or will the "redirect to URL" in Target mean that they are never able to leave the test version within that session?
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I'm just thinking, if a customer has explicitly opted to go back to the control version of the page, why would you want them to then see the test version of the page again in their next session? Wouldn't you want to exclude them from the test completely?
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Sorry, I think I'm not explaining it well. I'm not talking about their next session, I mean in their same first session will the test even allow them to navigate to the control if there is a redirect on the URL? By clicking on "home" in the nav will it trap them in the test loop? Do I need some kind of clause (maybe profile script is the wrong thing to use) to ensure that they can escape the test and not have the redirect trap them?
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What you explained makes sense, the reason I'm asking about next session is because a profile script would persist across multiple sessions. So if you exclude them from the test in session 1, they will remain excluded.
But yes you're right you do need something to stop them being trapped in the re-direct loop. Do you have a way to identify that the user has clicked that option to navigate to the control version of the homepage?
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Makes sense, thanks for sticking with me!!!!
They click on a button "Back to portal" but we don't have an event ID or anything on that button, unfortunately. I guess that would be what we need? So you can call it out if that is triggered then display control, or whatever?
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Yes exactly, so if it's possible you could add a query string parameter to the link URL that "back to portal" refers to. So instead of "www.home.com" it links to "www.home.com?btp" , for example; you could then have a profile script like
And an Audience of
You could then apply that Audience to your test, which would exclude anyone from the test that had clicked the "Back to portal" link
Ooh, we actually have something already then...when they first enter the homepage it has a URL of "www.home.com/member-portal" , and when they use the back button from the experiment it changes the URL to "www.home.com/member-portal/" with added "/". Is that too subtle to work? Or could I do the following with your audience example and we'd be winning?
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I think the first option would only work but only if you added an exclusion rule within Page Delivery settings e.g. Activity URL "www.home.com/member-portal" and URL is not "www.home.com/member-portal/". Your audience example would also work though.
You have been so helpful, thank you for sticking with me!!!! Wish me luck...!!!!
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