In an A/B test , the winner is shown. I am having a doubt, checking the report of an AB test, "all qualified visitor" audience that is present default in AT goals and settings mismatches with the sum up of all account types that we have added as an audience to this activity for reporting. I am attaching the screenshot here for reference.
Here, B2B approver, B2B customer, Adminlite, B2B admin, B2C sums up gives the all visitor. All visitors for this activity will be falling under in any one of these. There is no other account type we have in this project. I have highlighted the order section in the image, there is a difference of 1297 orders.
Help to know from where this 1297 orders are getting placed.
Thanks ,
Damini Mohan
Solved! Go to Solution.
Very good observation. Can you please confirm where have you created those segment AccountType? (Analytics/ Audience manager/Target)/is those segments hit/visit/visitor level. That will answer why you have different data?
Also when you use A4T reporting the data collected for target reporting is different from analytics(you can check how SDID works)
Very good observation. Can you please confirm where have you created those segment AccountType? (Analytics/ Audience manager/Target)/is those segments hit/visit/visitor level. That will answer why you have different data?
Also when you use A4T reporting the data collected for target reporting is different from analytics(you can check how SDID works)
Account type segmentation is done via target , In analytics I can see hit/visit/visitor level segmentation but here my reporting source is adobe target only. activity audience set up taken directly from launch meaning that website is connected via launch and by DOM scrapping.
Thank you.