I am doing A/B Test with a change in the top navigation of my site. The top navigation of my site is designed in a way that you can click it to navigate on my site from any page. It is like It stays on the top of every page. An example of a top navigation drop-down is as below. I have created an experience with changes in the names of the dropdown links.
However, the changes in my Exp B that I have done in the Top Navigation drop-down names are only getting reflected on the home page <https://www.amgweb.com> which I entered as an activity URL when started creating the A/B test. I want my changes to be shown on every page. How can I fix that? Also, can we create 3 or more experiences in the A/B test and select an auto-allocate targeting methodology?
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@JyotiSharmaV in that case, please check selectors on other pages (check my first point about AT Page Render error warning)
Hi @JyotiSharmaV - looks like the top navigation loads on each page so you will have to run a site-wide test. You can do it by using the Template rule feature of the VEC (available under the Page Delivery option)
And yes, you can use more than three experiences for Auto-allocate.
I am already using the template rule feature but by Domain not by URL
Should I follow it as per the screenshot you have shared?
How should I decide among all the options provided in the template rule what to choose in which case?
@Rajneesh_Gautam_ I tried changing the template rule feature from DOMAIN to URL contains and still when I see my experience B the change I made to Top navigation doesn't stay through the website. It only shows up on home page and vanishes after I move to some other pages and check back the navigation again. can you help why this is the case?
Hi @JyotiSharmaV - in this case, I would suggest following
1. Check that expected experience is getting delivered on other pages (Preview section of Network tab of Developer tools). If you do not find the expected experience, you may need to check the template rules and ECID/PCID consistency.
2. If you see expected experience being returned back then check console for any errors. If there are no errors, execute your code manually to check potential CSS/selector clashes.
Let me know if this works,
@Rajneesh_Gautam_ I checked it and found some warnings but not errors
And, In preview I checked that my Experience C is loading but not correctly. I see the default navigation after moving from home page.
What are your thoughts?
Hi @JyotiSharmaV - given that you can see your expected activity/experience in Preview, this means URL template is working fine.
I would suggest
1. expanding and debugging the first warning - its suggests that Page load rendering failed. A potential reason for this could be unmatched selectors.
2. Run the code manually in console to confirm it works.
@Rajneesh_Gautam_ Which code you are mentioning to run?
code to change the top navigation (unless you have made changes entirely through VEC)
@Rajneesh_Gautam_ its all through VEC only. We don't want to make any HTML changes originally unless we don't know the winner
@JyotiSharmaV in that case, please check selectors on other pages (check my first point about AT Page Render error warning)
@Rajneesh_Gautam_ I think I got it somewhere about what is happening but not reaching the end?
Now these are the errors I am seeing. Previous errors are gone now.
To brief the use case again :
My Experience A, which is the default Top Navigation looks like the below:
, My Experience B looks like this below. screenshot 2 Here I have removed/Replaced the item from the list .
You can see "View All", which I have enabled with a href link of headings on top. So that the user lands on the Half Sleeve and Full Sleeve category page from there also
Last My Experience C, looks like below with a reduced list
Below is a snippet of how I have enabled the View All item in the Top Navigation :
So, after the home page when the selected goal metric elements are not found for any Experience, which is ViewAll1, ViewAll2, etc etc then these warning appears
I have set the Activity LOcation now as below
hi @JyotiSharmaV - is https://www.amgweb.com is the actual URL for your website? When I try to open this, I see a page of Used Mercedes cars, is that expected?
Hi @Rajneesh_Gautam_ , that's a dummy example I cited here.