Hi Team,
In our recommendation activity, I can see the data is present in the download data.
But in the activity response I see this in trace:
{ "response" : { "node" : "r3edge-0", "status" : { "code" : "NO_CONTENT", "details" : "" } }}
I can also see in the response:
{ "Breakdown of Recommendations" : { "Recommendations due to Criterion moreFromxxx" : [ "OFF-66058", "OFF-69167", "OFF-66068" ] }\n}
The collection that activity is using has only three offers [ "OFF-66058", "OFF-69167", "OFF-66068" ]
So wanted to know what could be the probable reason for NO_CONTENT in the response.
Any help on this would be really helpful.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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There are a few reason documented in the FAQ here:
There are a few reason documented in the FAQ here:
Thank you for this doc.
I debugged this further and found that since it was a "content with similar attribute" so I need to pass the product Id also in the request.
I did so and it started returning the offer
Hi @ambikaTewari_ATCI ,
I am not sure if this article will help you: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-target-questions/recommendations-not-showing-...