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Consolidate regional mbox into one global mbox


Level 3

Hi Community,

I have multiple mbxoes in a page and want to consolidate them into one global mbox. The approach which I am trying is as follows:

Current Approach:

request: {
execute: {
mboxes: [
index: 1,
name: "second-mbox",
parameters: {
'entity.id': XXX
index: 1,
name: "second-mbox",
parameters: {
'entity.id': XXX



I read on community that I can leverage targerpageParams to pass the parameters to global mbox as I have entity id common to all regional mboxes

The Code which I am trying is:
Replacing above code with this:

targetPageParams = function () {
return {
parameters: {
'entity.id': XXX,


The code is not working. May I know anything I am missing here or any better approach I can try here.

Thanks in advance!


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1 Reply


Employee Advisor

I would expect that approach to work, so I'm wondering, what is the order of operations? i.e. is your targetPageParams code executed before the global mbox call is made