Hello Everyone,
We use the Custom code section under VEC to execute JavaScript code for personalization. We are exploring a way to change this code through Adobe Target APIs.
For the Form-based-editor, we are able to do it using the following steps:
1. Use Get Activity Details API ([https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/#get-xt-activity-by-id] ). This returns the offer-id corresponding to the custom-code with the Form-based-editor.
2. Extract the offer-id from the step above and use Update Offer API to change the custom-code with the Form-based-editor.([https://developers.adobetarget.com/api/#update-offer-by-id] )
Unfortunately, VEC custom-code does not return any offer-id. Instead, it returns offerTemplateId (see below JSON Response) and we are not able to find how to update this offer using the offerTemplateid using any API.
JSON Response:
"id": 634140,
"thirdPartyId": "e433a55a-e3f8-4e11-a8de-fa9abf2d7ffe",
"name": "API Testing to Edit Custom Code VEC",
"state": "saved",
"priority": 0,
"options": [
"optionLocalId": 2,
"name": "Offer2",
"offerId": 0,
"offerTemplates": [
"offerTemplateId": 133,
"templateParameters": [
"name": "offerContent",
"value": "<script>\nconsole.log(\"Testing VEC\")\n</script>"
"locations": {
"mboxes": [],
"selectors": [
"locationLocalId": 0,
"name": "Location 0",
"selector": "BODY > *:eq(0)",
"audienceIds": [
"viewLocalId": 2
"experiences": [
"experienceLocalId": 0,
"name": "Experience A",
"audienceIds": [],
"optionLocations": [
"locationLocalId": 0,
"optionLocalId": 2
"metrics": [
"metricLocalId": 32767,
"name": "MY PRIMARY GOAL",
"conversion": true,
"action": {
"type": "count_once"
"mboxes": [
"name": "target-global-mbox",
"successEvent": "mbox_shown",
"audienceIds": [
"clickTrackSelectors": []
"reportingAudiences": [],
"workspace": "53546425",
"modifiedAt": "2022-06-15T12:24:09Z",
"views": [
"viewLocalId": 2,
"viewId": 2240,
"audienceIds": []
"applicationContext": {
"channel": "web",
"applicationVersions": [],
"mobilePlatformVersions": []
Solved! Go to Solution.
In response I am able to see offer content, is that what you are trying to update using API?
In response I am able to see offer content, is that what you are trying to update using API?
Hi Gauresh, Yes.
Hi @Arun_kumaran, hope you're doing well!
If so, please let us and your Target Community peers know by marking the helpful response as, "Correct Reply" - - otherwise, I'd encourage you to update the post with how you solved for the original issue and/ or reach back out to your Target Community peers with a follow up question!
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