I've a targeted activity is in place which is based on AEM usergroups.
Once the user has logged into the website the targetParamsAll() method is called and is passing the usergroup information(String containing all groups the user is associated with, comma separated) to target.
At Target end, audience is defined based on whether the usergroup string contains a specific usergroup.
Everything is working fine as expected.
What I would like to understand here is the expected target delivery if the user satisfies more than one audience definition.
For example,
User A belongs to groups a,b,c,X
User B belongs to a,b,c,Y
User C belongs to a,b,c,X,Y
User A and B will get the correct targeted experience since they belong to only either X or Y. But in the case of User C, what would the expected Target behavior as C is belonging to both X and Y?
Would it be defaulted to Standard experience or intermittent X/Y experience delivery?
Solved! Go to Solution.
If user C belongs to both X and Y it will still qualify for a,b,c, and X cause the target evaluates experiences sequentially. for example,
Exp A audience - Country matches XYZ
Exp B audience - State matched ABC
Exp C audience - Country and city matches XYZ, ABC
In the above scenario, if any user satisfies both XYZ and ABC, he'll still fall into exp A cause exp A is defined first.
Hope this helps
Hi @jezwn you can use user condition for C with AND condition.
C > contains a AND contains b and contains c AND contains X AND contains Y
Then target will target only those users who belongs to all these usergroups a,b,c,X,Y
Thanks for your response. However I'm looking to understand what would be expected target behavior for the scenario I've mentioned.
If user C belongs to both X and Y it will still qualify for a,b,c, and X cause the target evaluates experiences sequentially. for example,
Exp A audience - Country matches XYZ
Exp B audience - State matched ABC
Exp C audience - Country and city matches XYZ, ABC
In the above scenario, if any user satisfies both XYZ and ABC, he'll still fall into exp A cause exp A is defined first.
Hope this helps
@jezwn adding to the details shared by @Gaureshk_Kodag , the only exception would be "All visitors" segment.
Target will evaluate the visitor on Top to Bottom approach . So if visitor is qualifying for multiple segments then this visitor would qualify for the audience segment placed before the others.
The only exception is "All visitors" , if "All Visitors" is the first audience then that is ignored and the evaluation would start from second in the list. The details are shared in this document : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/target/using/activities/experience-targeting/create-targetin... .