I am doing a POC on implementing Adobe Target SDK in Angular application.
My main goal is to show different components based on the Activity configured.
Example: if the user qualifies for Experience A then show Angular component A else Angular component B.
While I am following the docs but I am still not able to pass the response (activity.id or experience.name or Feature flags response from the content) received from Target SDK to the Angular components.
Is there any way I can achieve this?
Below is the code I am using. How can I pass the value of featureFlags.flag to component?
const TargetClient = require("@adobe/target-nodejs-sdk");
const options = {
client: "",
organizationId: "",
logger: console,
decisioningMethod: "on-device",
events: {
clientReady: targetClientReady
const targetClient = TargetClient.create(options);
function targetClientReady() {
targetClient.getAttributes(["test-feature"]).then(function(response) {
const featureFlags = response.asObject("test-feature");
if(featureFlags.enabled && featureFlags.flag == "expA") {
console.log("Render alternate EXP A experience" + featureFlags.flag);
if(featureFlags.enabled && featureFlags.flag == "expB") {
console.log("Render alternate EXP B experience" + featureFlags.flag);