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Adobe Target - Experience Target issue 'Action could not be applied due to missing or invalid mbox name'


Level 1


I am implementing experience target activity using the at.js approach through Tealium.
I don't have access to Tealium as its managed by different team and I can ensure its loading correctly through Adobe Experience Platform Debugger.
After saving the modifications for injecting html and styling for different components using 'Insert after' method on webpage, the changes are reverted to default.
Once the activity is live, "Action could not be applied due to missing or invalid mbox name" error is shown in modifications.
I haven't implemented any mbox for this activity.

Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue?

2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @SnehalBh1 

Have faced this issues couple of times and in my case its always came up with 2 possible reason.

  • Page Structure Changes:
    The structure of your webpage might have changed since you last saved the activity. Because of this, some element selectors might not be recognized. 

  • Delayed Element Loading:
    The element you modified might be loading after the changes are triggered, so the system can’t find it in time. This results in the “missing or invalid element selector” error.

You can refer this document Element Selectors Used in the Visual Experience Composer 

So check once what causing in your case - to start with you can check the DOM structure in browser and see if any element is missing. 

Another way to recreate a same activity with experience and then compare that shows you the difference. 

Hope this helps.




Level 9