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Adobe Target Activity is not showing


Level 2

Hi All,

I have  done adobe target integration using below approach

1.Download the  latest at.js from the adobe target implementation.

2.Create the clientlibs in aem and added that at.js

3.calling this clientlibs in my headlibs.html.

4.In the network tab verified delivery related call happened  and gives 200.

5.Created A/B test on the adobe target  and added different experience for All visitor.

whenever i checked the URL   it shows default content not the activity content, I tried to check Activity QA Url as well it display the same default content.

did i missed anything .



10 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @Sanjay50  - It sound like all steps are correct and the delivery api call returning 200 that's good.

I hope there won't be any console errors too.  

can you once check the response payload in network tab and see are you able to see execute or pageLoad sections?  

As you have using all visitor as audience in the activity - can you just assign the 100% traffic to experience B and see if this is getting delivered to you? 

Also check once the faq section https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/activities/troubleshoot-activities/troublesh... 


also if your URL access outside then you can DM me .. happy to take a look. 

Let us know how it goes.



Level 2

Hi @Gokul_Agiwal ,

I have followed the same approach that you suggested but still show the same default content.



Community Advisor

Hi @Sanjay50 Is there any way we can access the URL? or if you can post some screenshot here that would help to troubleshoot. 



Community Advisor

Hey @Sanjay50  - Is this issues resolved? Are you able to see your activity?


Level 2

Hi @Gokul_Agiwal ,

Not yet resolved, not sure what is the issue.

what kind of screenshots you required ?



Community Advisor

Screenshot of the implementation you can provide or best if your URL is accessible outside your environment that helps. You can DM me in case if you want to be private. 



Level 2

I have sent you URL privately , please check it.


Level 9

Hi @Sanjay50 , 

Firstly, I would encourage you to use the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger extension to check if Adobe Target is configured properly in your intended page. 
[ For reference : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-platform/debugger/home ]

If you are getting the default content even on the Activity QA URL, you would require to troubleshoot the activity configuration first. Would be helpful if you can share more details on how you're configuring the A/B test activity along with few screenshots if possible.

In the delivery call, you can also check for Adobe Target responses using the Response Tokens feature of Adobe Target. This will help you to check whether you're qualifying for the intended activity on that URL. 

[ For Reference : https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/administer/response-tokens ]

Additionally you might also find the below article useful for debugging and troubleshooting your setUp and Adobe Target activity delivery. 
[Article for reference : https://dexata.co/troubleshooting-guide-for-adobe-target-client-side-personalisation-and-delivery/ ]

Let me know if it helps.

Best regards,
Vaibhav Mathur


Level 2

Hi @Vaibhav_Mathur ,

I am using adobe platform debugger tool  to debug but there is no clue to find the activity.

also in network tab below is the response

"status": 200,
"requestId": "20d4059b7adc4e18a6884cebb604fe14",
"client": "globalptrsd",
"id": {
"tntId": "d2479c2583a941b796ed9baafe11d66b.41_0"
"edgeHost": "mboxedge41.tt.omtrdc.net",
"prefetch": {},
"telemetryServerToken": "T6i6pup7xK1ySPLukEMGxiDNw9MGPXzjJW6qhjl7SQU="


Level 1

ensure the targeting conditions for the activity are properly set (e.g., audience rules and traffic allocation). You might want to verify that the correct page components are being targeted in the activity.