Hi guys,
I have written an offer code referencing customer attribute. This code is written just to test connection and data.
Following is the snippet.
var a = "${crs.personalized experience.blog page visitors}"
console.log('offer ran!')
I am directly referencing the audience from offer. When this code run I see error in console
POST https://name.tt.omtrdc.net/rest/v1/delivery?client=name&sessionId=ce4718eef61c43f9b2a9af70210befca&v... 500
Network call for mbox
- {status: 500, message: "An error has occurred while processing your request, please try again later"}
- message: "An error has occurred while processing your request, please try again later"
- status: 500
Is this issue caused because there are white spaces in attribute? Kindly let me know..