Hi muthalagua85543428,
Profile scripts are found in the Target UI here: top nav: Audiences > left nav: Profile Scripts
That should give you the list of them. Then you can click the 'i" icon or edit pencil icon to see the details.
muthalagua85543428 By default everyone with Adobe Target access should be able to view the profile scripts. Could you elaborate on this ? Are you facing any error in particular when viewing them?
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Hi muthalagua85543428,
Profile scripts are found in the Target UI here: top nav: Audiences > left nav: Profile Scripts
That should give you the list of them. Then you can click the 'i" icon or edit pencil icon to see the details.
Hi @ryanr79035901
Tried to access the same but it is throwing an error.
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@muthalagua71476599do submit a ticket with customer care with all the details and we will be happy to take a look . You can submit an incident by emailing customercare@adobe.com .