Hi there,
I have two versions of a site
I want to use Adobe Target to send 50% of traffic that lands on site.com/a to site.com/b ...
However, I want anyone that comes to site.com/a?query=string to stay on site.com/a ... I only want people that land on site.com/a WITHOUT any query string to be considered for redirection.
How can I set this up in Adobe Target?
Solved! Go to Solution.
To clarify, there is a difference between path and URL. URL is the full URL including the domain. So in this case the URL is https://site.com/a. The path however, does not include the domain. So the path here is just /a. So it would be incorrect to use path equals http://site.com/a.
I prefer to use URL because we run Target on more than one domain and I need to specify which domain the test is running on. Also, I don't find the "equals" evaluator to behave exactly as I would expect it would. It is very strict and often excludes things I had not intended it to. So I prefer to use contains.
I like to be very specific about what traffic I am including and excluding and that is why I wrote it the way I did. My audience will include everyone who has https://site.com/a in the url, but will exclude those with a ?. Hope that helps.
Hi Stephen, you should use Activity Only Audience with either of these conditions:
1. Path does not equal /a
2. Page URL does not contain ?
hope this helps,
Like Rajneesh said.
Create an audience like this.
Thanks @rajneesh_gautam and @LJ Jones
You both give slightly different answers! Would below be correct audience?
1. Path equals http://site.com/a
2. Path does not contain http://site.com/a?
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To clarify, there is a difference between path and URL. URL is the full URL including the domain. So in this case the URL is https://site.com/a. The path however, does not include the domain. So the path here is just /a. So it would be incorrect to use path equals http://site.com/a.
I prefer to use URL because we run Target on more than one domain and I need to specify which domain the test is running on. Also, I don't find the "equals" evaluator to behave exactly as I would expect it would. It is very strict and often excludes things I had not intended it to. So I prefer to use contains.
I like to be very specific about what traffic I am including and excluding and that is why I wrote it the way I did. My audience will include everyone who has https://site.com/a in the url, but will exclude those with a ?. Hope that helps.
Very helpful thanks for the insight based off your experience!
I have set it up as per your screenshot and will fine tune it from there if needs be