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Multi-tenancy in Target


Level 2


Description - Currently, there are a handful of limitations when just using the properties and workspaces method to attain multi-tenancy in Adobe Target with one instance.


Why is this feature important to you - We are trying to accommodate several tenants or clients with one instance of Adobe Target for easier governance of all work done by each client. This is also important as confidentiality and privacy are at risk if admins can't control the view of all Target items for each user. 


How would you like the feature to work - We would like to have a full-fledged multi-tenancy capability in Target that is easy to implement. All features in Adobe Target should have the capability to be filtered out/ limited in view depending on user permissions. This includes all kinds of offers, recommendations resources (criteria library, design library, catalog, recommendations setup), etc. 


Current Behaviour - Currently, only activities have the capability to be filtered or controlled based on user permissions using properties. 




I want to clarify I understand how you would hope this feature works. Do you want to be able to limit the permissions for certain users to only be able to USE certain parts of Target, or do you want to limit if they can SEE/ACCESS things you have set up in the environment?

An example of what I mean for each

  • USE: John should only be able to work with activities. I don't want him to even be able to click into the Recommendations section of Adobe Target to see or use that feature
  • SEE/ ACCESS: John should be able to go into each feature within Adobe Target. However, within each feature, he should only have access to see the Activity, the Recommendations Catalogue, etc. that I assigned him permissions for.
Status changed to: Needs Info


Level 2



It's more of the "SEE/ ACCESS" scenario. We would want to have multiple tenants/clients with using or maintaining only one Adobe Target account.

That would mean:

1. client1 users will only see client1 activities, offers, catalogue, etc.

2. client2 users will only see client2 activities, offers, catalogue, etc.

3. and so on..  





Thank you for the clarification. We appreciate your letting us know that an easy-to-use multi-tenancy permissions in Adobe Target would be beneficial for your organization. I will pass this along to the product team. I recommend looking into workspaces and seeing if there is a way to ease this problem for you with what we currently have available. Here is some documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target-learn/tutorials/administration/set-up-workspaces

Status changed to: Investigating


Level 2


Yes, workspaces or using properties helps in filtering activities for different users. Hopefully, this kind of implementation will be available for all features of Target to get the whole multi-tenancy experience. Thank you!