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Lock activity if someone else is editing it


Employee Advisor


Recently @wsengsiry-20  asked a question about "same activity getting edited by multiple people at same time" and in the end the last person who saves activity will keep his work and others will lose their work.

I guess this would be great feature if target locks perticular activity if someone else is working on it currently. 

Maybe this can be achieved in two ways,

1. Lock an activity for all other people if someone else is working on it.

2. Show popup "someone else is currently editing this activity" if I'm trying to edit an activity on which someone else is working.

1 Comment




Thank you @Gaureshk_Kodag for sharing this idea and feedback. This is a generally good idea as there are often multiple users trying to edit not only an activity at the same time, but also audiences, activity offers, etc. at the same time too. Our Product Management team is taking this into consideration. Thank you for taking the time to submit this feedback!




Status changed to: Investigating