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Allow for deleting audiences still referenced in Activities


Level 3


Description - It would be helpful to allow (with warning) the capability to delete Audience Library audiences even if they are referenced by old activities. 

Why is this feature important to you - After many years and many users, the audience library is cluttered with hundreds of audiences (that should have been saved as 'activity-only probably). These audiences are no longer valid, but are used in old, archived activities. In order to delete these old audiences, I have to also delete the activities that reference the audiences. This will be a tedious manual effort for cleanup.

How would you like the feature to work - This could work the same way it is handled for AAM audiences. If an AAM audience that is referenced in an activity is deleted, the activity remains intact but displays a warning symbol that indicates the referenced audience is no longer available.  This feature could even be limited to only working for activities that are archived, and could exclude activities that are live.

Current Behaviour - Tedious process of opening every audiences and seeing each activity associated, clicking on each associated activity separately, copying activity name, pulling up activity in main UI and selecting to delete. Very tedious...