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Adobe Target : Profile Script Version/Revision Feature Addition



Hello All,

Profile scripts are code snippets defined within Target using a form of server-side JavaScript. Using Profile Script we're targeting Visitors based on their behavioral information/segment filtering.


For Our Client we have created many Profile Scripts to target visitors based on visitor behavior across site. Few times i had mistakenly edited/modified the profile script which is in LIVE and it affected many activities which is in LIVE, for resolving this i had contacted Customer service and they provided me the previous version of script by checking the Adobe Target Server Splunk Log and it took very long time to resolve this and also we can't always do the same to resolve this and few times i had developed the code again from the scratch since those are High Priority Activities. For Avoiding this i'm strongly Suggesting/Recommending here to Add/Include Version/Revision feature to Profile Scripts.






Thank you for sharing this Idea! The Target PM team is taking this into consideration.


In the meantime, another option would be to store profile scripts in your code source management system, copy the script, and paste it into the Target UI. Most Target customers are not authoring the script in the Target UI, they are copying the script from a different system. 


Thanks again for taking the time to share this feedback!


