Hi Adobe Team,
Please find my feature suggestion below:
Description -
Add a "Comment" prompt every time a Target Activity is saved to help be able to document changes in a Target Activity
Why is this feature important to you -
This feature would be extremely helpful for documentation purposes; Yes many users utilize secondary ticketing systems or spreadsheets to help manage information, but I find that Adobe Target (being the source of truth) should be able to document changes in the activity from a different angle. There are description fields in the Goals & Settings, but those aren't viewable unless you actually open the ticket, and often are forgotten to be updated.
How would you like the feature to work -
Every time you save an Activity, before being able to save a user would be prompted with a Comment text field to add a small comment about what was done, which would then be displayed on the Change Log panel in Adobe Target (see example screenshot I created below):

This field should be text only and could be somewhat limited in character length if need be.
Every time you save a Target Activity, you should be prompted to add a comment (although it could be marked as an optional field if some users find they do not want to organize this way).
Current Behaviour -
Currently the only way to document text information is by opening an activity and navigating to the Goals & Settings panel
Please note this was previously posted in the Questions section of the Adobe Target Community and it was recommended that I add the post here. (OG post: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-target-questions/adobe-target-idea-adding-com...)
Thanks for your time!