Description - Add Sample Size Calculator within Adobe Target interface And/Or add its link while setting up an AB test
Why is this feature important to you - Currently Adobe Target users have to either bookmark or search for the link to Sample Size calculator ( ), a very crucial tool to estimate the number of days a test should be run. Also, as its not part of the interface, users use different calculators provided by other vendors. As this is not part of the workflow-interface, its easy to miss this step - specially for practitioners who are new to Experience Optimisation or those who do not know that Adobe Target provides its own Sample size calculator.
How would you like the feature to work - Adobe Target Product team should add the Sample Size calculator link to Adobe Target top nav. Would be great to have it added to first step of an AB test workflow as well.
Current Behaviour - We need to bookmark the Experience League page, or search it or even rely on using sample size calculators provided by other vendors.