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[WEBINAR RECORDING] 10/11/22, 10am PT: Fine-Tuning AI-Powered Personalization: New Features in Adobe Target



Fine-Tuning AI-Powered Personalization: New Features in Adobe Target 

Presented by: 
Drew Burns aka @Drburns27 , Group Product Marketing Manager for Adobe Target 
Date: October 11th, 2022

Time: 10:00am PT | 12:00pm CT | 1:00pm ET

Please join us for this special product announcement webinar!  We are excited to share some “very big”, ground-breaking news in terms of personalization at scale with Adobe Target: new filtering and intelligence that will enhance the ability of Adobe Target users to fine-tune AI-powered personalization activities in order to directly impact the business metrics that matter most on a per activity basis.
This new product announcement is timely and hyper-critical, as we’ve seen the need for personalization ratchet up, regardless of industry, in the past few years.  It has become a means for companies to critically differentiate themselves from the competition throughout their customer journey.  Personalization can be highly effective “everywhere”: beginning at a visitor’s first touch, leveraging basic data for acquisition use cases, all the way through to customer service and loyalty use cases.
In this session, learn how you can super charge conversion lift by taking advantage of Adobe Target’s new features as we discuss:
  • Enhanced model controls within Automated Personalization and Auto-Target activities
  • Unlocking ability to evaluate profile attributes and high-value segments from Adobe’s Real-Time Customer Data Platform
  • How brands can deliver faster speeds and decisioning by fine-tuning their AI-powered algorithms
  • Unique use cases for delivering 1-to-1 personalization



DrewBurnsHeadshot[2486].pngDrew Burns is Group Product Marketing Manager for Adobe Target, the industry-leading experience optimization platform, and he has been an evangelist and a practitioner in the personalization and testing space for 15 years.  He works with progressive enterprise companies across industries on building the foundation and maturing their optimization and personalization efforts, strategies and programs leveraging manual and A.I./ML capabilities. At Adobe, he works alongside the leading enterprise companies in retail/e-commerce, travel & hospitality, financial, media & publishing, B2B/ High Tech and other verticals to improve and grow their optimization and personalization efforts, strategies and programs. 


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