I tried uploading a feed via URL approach
Below are the steps I took
In the Publish instance of AEM DAM I uploaded a .csv file (feedwomenpage.csv).
PFB URL of feed http://localhost:4503/content/dam/we-retail/feedwomenpage.csv
Feed is available, if I check putting this URL in chrome browser
(I created a sample feed after downloading the format from Adobe Target console itself)
I provided this URL in Adobe Target console, in creation of feed section via csv and URL
In schedule section, I scheduled it for daily, and provide time after 5 minutes of the time when I created this
It does not ask for any mapping, environment all host groups and I saved it
The Feed status Changes from Waiting for downlaod --> Unknown Error (PFA image of error)
Kindly help me in understanding, where I am going wrong, Why this "Unknown Error" is coming??