If we set up a daily Product recommendation feed from AEM 6.2 to Adobe Target Premium. then
1. Will the feed of each day overwrite the earlier day feed? OR the latest products in feed will be appended to earlier feed available in Target?
2. Will the recommendation activity only recommend those products which are available in latest feed in case of daily feed?
3. If we plan to take feed daily and before uploading the next day feed. In between this time period, if some of the products/content page got deleted by content/product team, then I believe 404 error will come for those pages which got deleted.
How we can ensure that 404 error page not come for those pages which got deleted by product team i.e. recommendation activity not recommend those product which got deleted from back-end but their details are available in .csv feed sent??
Hi Abhishek,
In my understanding when the feeds would be uploaded then the products previously present in the system would be updated with the values passed in the feed. If there are some new products in the feed then they would be appended to the existing product catalog.
Activities would show recommendation based on the products present in the catalog which may or may not be updated by the latest feed. Also in regards to the last question I think your team would need to manually delete those products from the catalog so that they are not included in the activities. I would recommend you to go through the following article for more information on the API to delete products : Deleting an Item From the System
Hope that helps.
Hi Shanker
I tried uploading a feed via URL approach
Below are the steps I took
In the Publish instance of AEM DAM I uploaded a .csv file (feedwomenpage.csv).
PFB URL of feed http://localhost:4503/content/dam/we-retail/feedwomenpage.csv
Feed is available, if I check putting this URL in chrome browser
(I created a sample feed after downloading the format from Adobe Target console itself)
I provided this URL in Adobe Target console, in creation of feed section via csv and URL
In schedule section, I scheduled it for daily, and provide time after 5 minutes of the time when I created this
It does not ask for any mapping, environment all host groups and I saved it
The Feed status Changes from Waiting for downlaod --> Unknown Error (PFA image of error)
Kindly help me in understanding, where I am going wrong, Why this "Unknown Error" is coming??
Hi Abhishek,
The URL seems to be a local host which cannot be accessed externally. Could you please upload the feed on a URL which is accessible over the internet without authentication.
Hi Raag
I have uploaded file over dropbox
and given dropbox link fro file in Adobe Target.
The error it is giving is "File Parsing Failed"
Possible reasons for this can be??
Hi Abhishek,
If feeds are scheduled for daily updates, it would just update or append the products indexed by last feed in recommendations.
Recommendations would always be displayed on the basis of the products available in the Recommendations catalog. If you are willing to delete a product page from a website, it is highly recommended to delete the product from the Feed also, through the API or you can also include them in exclusions section of recommendations.
Hi Tanvi
I tried uploading a feed via URL approach
Below are the steps I took
In the Publish instance of AEM DAM I uploaded a .csv file (feedwomenpage.csv).
PFB URL of feed http://localhost:4503/content/dam/we-retail/feedwomenpage.csv
Feed is available, if I check putting this URL in chrome browser
(I created a sample feed after downloading the format from Adobe Target console itself)
I provided this URL in Adobe Target console, in creation of feed section via csv and URL
In schedule section, I scheduled it for daily, and provide time after 5 minutes of the time when I created this
It does not ask for any mapping, environment all host groups and I saved it
The Feed status Changes from Waiting for downlaod --> Unknown Error (PFA image of error)
Kindly help me in understanding, where I am going wrong, Why this "Unknown Error" is coming??
Hi Tanvi,
Hope you are doing great !!
My query is
I have two separate product lines
The recommendation activity which I want to run for these two different product lines is on their respective product pages
The few details which got displayed (look and feel) about these products is also different
In such a scenario,
Do I need to take one feed for both type of products from AEM OR should I take two seperate feed from AEM. One for each type of product??
If there are two feeds, then will these two feed update the same space in recommendation catalog?? OR we can also do a seperation between recommendation catalog for these two product lines??