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(AEM 6.1) SEO fetch as google => AT: Adobe Target content delivery is disabled. Update your DOCTYPE to support Standards mode.


Level 2


Im troubleshooting SEO related issue - at certain conditions when i force Fetch as Google of page - it's fetch result is Partially.

Next, when i search for that page in google and open Cached version of that page - it is actually not fully fetched(of course, current version is successfully fetched Complete if request it from browser).

Comparing JS console, the first difference i see is

"AT: Adobe Target content delivery is disabled. Update your DOCTYPE to support Standards mode."

And this appears to be true - cached by google version of page lacks

<!DOCTYPE html> declaration

Next, i see a lot of resources are not loaded.

So, i wonder - does google modify HTML content of my page? This appears to be a root cause of our SEO issues. Anybody got experience with this?

2 Replies




Probably the pages which are not getting indexed do not have the correct DOCTYPE, you might need to connect with page developers to correct this.

Also, the target does not deliver the activity on pages which do not have standard DOCTYPE. This is what is captured by Google Also


Level 2

"pages which are not getting indexed do not have the correct DOCTYPE"

And this is the issue - original pages DO have doctype declaration.

But when google archives it to make it accessible as cached - there doctype declaration is missing.

And next AEM refuses to deliver content because html content forces Quircs Mode.

Either we do a thing wrong were, or many other AEM users should face same issue. Maybe this was fixed with a later versions update? Again, we're on quite 6.1 release