Simple question - started an A/B test. Had to change my target audience a day or two in. I updated the audience yesterday, but am seeing no change. Do I have to reset the test?
No need to reset the activity in case of a change in the audience. can you elaborate what do you mean by "seeing no change" here? do you mean no change in conversion or audience?
Gauresh Kodag.
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Thanks Gauresh! Yeah, the audience for the test didn't update. Meaning, I was trying to exclude any guests entering on landing page /YYY, but all of those customers were still being inserted into the test cases. I then tried excluding them through a parameter in the query string, but that didn't work either. Ultimately I had to exclude them by individual codes applied.
Hi kevinb62616502,
Thanks for writing in.
How did you "test" the activity qualification after changing the audience, did you clear cache and cookies and validate with an mbox trace? Could you elaborate on the "individual codes" method? Are these codes mbox parameters or visitor profile values?
1. it is an A/B test. @surebee I have not done an mbox trace (and will have to plead ignorance on how to even do any insight would be appreciated). I verified that new visitors were still being allowed into the test just off my workspace segmented reports.
2. The individual codes are our campaign ids under visitor profiles.
You can run mbox trace by following below steps 1. pick the authentication token from Target--> set up -> implementation -> generate authentication token
2. Append the token in url where activity is being delivered.
3. Then open network tab in developer tool and find target call
4. In target call check the trace in preview tab and you will which activity is being delivered and you are part pf which audience etc.
To add to what my colleagues said, information and videos explaining how to run the mbox trace can be found at Troubleshoot content delivery
If its an A/B test, the user will still see the same experience since they already qualified for the test previously before the audience was changed . Only if its an XT activity , will the user get evaluated again.
Here is a summary of some of the points in this thread. If this is an A/B activity you are right the new audience will only work for new visitors people who have already qualified will already be cookied into a specific activity experience and continue to get that.
If however this were an XT activity the new audience would work for both old and new visitors as the XT activity type checks it every time irrespective of the Target cookie.
Check out this Activities overview Knoweldge Base Article for more on different types of activities.
If this satisfies your query please like, mark as helpful and mark as answer. Otherwise lets keep the conversation going. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Mihnea Docea | Technical Support Consultant | Customer Experience | Adobe | (:: 1 (800) 497-0335